Categories: Lenormand

The Moon Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Moon is a soft energy card. She has the power to soften the negative cards and enhance the positive ones that surround her, but in a delicate and fluid way, like the light she emanates over the night, veiling everyone’s sleep with her soft glow.

This is a card of recognition. With it, what you fight for will soon be conquered, but remembering that this conquest does not come abruptly, but delicately, and can be felt even when it has not yet been achieved. It’s like the feeling of victory embraces the soul even before it happens. Therefore, if you are facing a big battle, the Moon card comes to predict its conclusion soon and the positive consequences of it can already be felt.

This is also a card of admiration and respect, recognition by others of your efforts is remarkable and this popularity, if well used, can attract many opportunities that help in personal and professional growth and maturation.

We cannot forget the spiritual and subconscious strength that the Moon card carries in its essence. Everything that is related to the psychic, emotional and mental is pointed out by her in the reading, which may be warnings or approval about attitudes involving this aspect.

Keywords of The Moon

To better understand the interpretations related to The Moon card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: subconscious, recognition, honour, intuition, imagination, emotions, fear, desires, beauty, seduction, psyche, fantasy, sensitivity

The Moon Meaning

It is during the night that dreams are built and involve our soul, offering us the infinite possibilities that only dreams are able to provide us. While we dream, we can be someone else, own what we never imagined having one day, visit fantastic places and bad weather.

The Moon card appears in the spread to take care of our dreams. It diminishes the negativity that prevents us from moving forward and strengthens the positivity that comes to help us, and thus, it delivers the conquest of what we are fighting for. If you are going through a turbulent moment, in which hopelessness and discouragement prevent you from seeing a happy ending, know that the Moon card comes to show that everything passes and soon you will be able to breathe relieved and feel the renewal of the strength of your dreams.

Not letting dreams become nightmares is the biggest challenge we face every day, it’s extremely difficult to dream when you’re facing great difficulties, but you have to. It is necessary to find your hope again and realize that the solution to your problems is within you and you have the full capacity to solve them. The Moon toasts you with the light of victory and there is nothing more powerful than that.

As a card from the subconscious, the Moon asks you to listen to your intuition, especially if you are facing any important decision-making. Of course, being rational is essential so you don’t get carried away by excitement and end up changing your feet for hands, but right now your intuition is on the surface and listening to it should be your secret weapon.

Reconnaissance is also an important point highlighted by the Moon chart. Here, what you’ve devoted yourself entirely to becomes recognized by others, but it’s important that you also recognize it. Knowing how to applaud one’s own achievements is not being egocentric or being an exhibitionist, but being grateful to the Universe, in addition to reinforcing the vision of one’s own strength and potential, and this makes a big difference when one goes out to face new battles.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Moon card presents a very loving relationship based on affection, respect and delivery. There is a very strong connection between you, something that goes beyond human comprehension. It is mystical and extremely intimate, a very strong emotional connection that is strengthened over time, making them grow and mature together.

This card also indicates a new stage announcing itself as engagement and marriage. Therefore, if you are thinking about taking that very important step in your relationship, the moment is right for it, as the romantic and emotional energy of the Moon card blesses your path.

On the other hand, if you feel that your relationship is not going very well and the structures are completely shaken by something that happened in the past or by the simple complacency that ended up keeping you two apart within your own life, whether or not you are living together, then the It’s time to recover what was lost.

Sitting down and talking with your partner is the best way to undo the big gulf that formed between you and try to reconcile, if you want. It’s important to know that there is still a lot of love on the part of your partner, so you need to evaluate your own feelings to know if this reconciliation is worth trying or if it’s best for each of you to continue on your own path. Regardless of your choice, it’s very important that you leave things clean so you don’t remain trapped in this negative cycle.

If you are single, the Moon card gives you romance, attraction and chemistry. Very soon you will find that person who will completely envelop you and in such a way that it will be difficult not to think about him. But for that to happen, you need to start healing the wounds you still carry from past relationships. Only then will you be able to enjoy the beautiful feelings that this new love will give you.

Work and Career

In a work and career reading, the Moon card represents recognition and, just like every coin has two sides, this recognition can bring positive and negative consequences, everything will depend on your actions towards it.

We have professional growth here as a result of this recognition by people in a higher hierarchy. It could be a promotion, pay raise, or industry change, something you really want and have worked hard for. Yes, what you are reaping now is the result of work done with love, dedication and care. You gave yourself to projects and activities, giving your best to help your team and company to grow and this resulted in admiration from colleagues and superiors, which brought you that long-awaited return.

However, this return can provide you with both wonderful moments within the work environment and bad ones. Remember the two sides of the coin? That’s right, when we receive recognition we also receive a pleasure in our ego and cross looks from people who don’t value the success of the other and that’s where the way you will behave in the face of it and its consequences comes into play.

If you remain modest and grateful for each opportunity conquered, many more will surely come your way. A sincere thank you is the best way to demonstrate that the work done was not just out of ambition, but because you really care about what you do. Now, if the petted ego speaks louder, it could end up causing the steps that take you to the top to be removed from underneath you, causing you to fall hard.

As for the envious looks, they will always exist. Don’t let them affect your path, keep your plans and ideas to yourself for now, and continue to do your work with the same mastery you’ve been doing so far. Nurturing these looks by being a petty and arrogant person will only give them the tools to break down the stairs.

If you are looking for a job, the Moon’s card indicates that, although it will take a little longer to find your job in the job market, it will appear. Therefore, keep your resume up to date, be creative in your search and draw up the best strategies. Do not give up.

Health and wellness

The Moon card is a card of feeling and the psyche, so whenever it points out some kind of illness, it will usually show something related to emotional problems, such as mood swings, imbalances and confusion. Therefore, if you feel that you are under a lot of pressure and that the world is collapsing on your head, maybe the problems are not that big, but your emotional state that is shaken by previous issues to the point of not being able to bear anything more, even the slightest it is.

In that case, the advice of the Moon card is to pay more attention to that area of ​​yourself. Taking time out to have fun with friends, finding a place where you can meditate and regain your inner peace, doing activities that give you pleasure are ways to balance your emotions. Don’t allow external problems to end up making your mind sick and consequently your body. If you think you can’t handle this whirlwind of feelings, seek help from an area professional. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.

If you are facing some kind of treatment, the Moon card indicates a positive ending very soon. Even if it’s aligned with negative cards, it softens that energy and shows recovery. Remember to keep a sane mind, so as not to let bad thoughts take hold of you and discourage you. Keep thinking positive.

  • Body parts connected to the card: female reproductive system, hormonal system.

The Moon meaning according to the position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the Moon card points to recognition, especially in the area of ​​work, with a great possibility of receiving a promotion or other type of positive return for the dedication employed in activities and projects in which the consultant was responsible. Here, creativity is on the rise, so knowing how to make the best use of it will contribute a lot to solving problems and overcoming challenges that may be present in the path of the consultant.

On the other hand, the Moon card, in both positions, can appear to advise the querent to be more dedicated to what they do and employ positivity about their efforts so that they can be seen favourably and have these efforts rewarded.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, it will symbolise glory, conquests and triumph. Everything you dream of is achieved little by little, like the subtlety of moonlight. Now, if you are far from the consultant, then the negative energies become more present, symbolising belittlement, depreciation, defamation and pride. These feelings can come from people close to the querent and be directed at him, or portray what he carries in his heart. According to the support cards, when negative, the weight that these feelings have in the consultant’s life will be known.

Combinations with The Moon

The Moon card is a very positive card, but extremely influenced by the others. In addition to not being able to completely nullify the negative cards, it can soften or amplify that energy. Everything will depend on the cards that connect to it and its position in the reading. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of this dynamic and remember that, although the tendency is to alleviate a situation, the opposite can happen in some cases.

The Moon and the Birds

The Moon card aligned with the Birds card has two distinct readings. On the one hand, it can symbolize positive feelings, pleasant situations and people who are ready to listen to you when you need to be heard the most. It’s companionship and friendship watered down by sincere words that give you strength and help you overcome all the adversities that the Universe puts in your path and, most importantly, you are aware of this and are extremely grateful.

On the other hand, it can symbolize a strong emotional imbalance. You have many harmful feelings inside you, which have been stored for so long that it is inevitable that the explosion due to overload will happen at one time or another. You need to seek help, open up to someone and put out what causes you harm so you don’t end up getting sick.

The Moon and The Coffin

This union of cards represents the completion of a cycle. Difficult as it may be, this closure is necessary for your growth and maturation. You may be having difficulties at the moment in accepting what ends, as there may be great losses represented here, which causes a deep sadness, a terrifying feeling that seems to have no end.

You have to understand that every end exists for a new beginning to emerge and feeling lost, melancholic and with a tearing chest pain is completely normal. You have to give yourself time to assimilate things. If you feel the need, talk to someone. There is no reason to go through this pain alone.

The Moon – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Moon card

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Moon
  • Card: Eight of Cups
  • Astrological signs: Cancer
  • Number: 32 (thirty-two)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Moon as a Person

As a person, the Moon card represents someone intense, intuitive and who has feelings that are very touched on, which often causes them to end up getting lost in the midst of their own emotions, unable to master them.

This card also indicates highly creative people, with great imagination and ease in finding innovative solutions to old problems, as well as people of great mediumship and who have the gift of the word to help others. Professionals working in psychology, psychiatry, the arts and other creative fields are symbolized by this card.

The Time in The Moon card

The Moon card is a card that presents quick solutions, symbolizing events that occur in a short period of time, happening in a few days or weeks, always within the period of a month. However, it is important to remember that the Moon card is a card of smoothness and delicacy, so even if things happen quickly, they were already being forwarded to this, that is, what seems to be fast is actually already being resolved for a while, but in such a subtle way that it’s hard to notice.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread The Moon

  • Are you listening to your intuition?
  • Can you discern what your intuition has to tell you?
  • What are your biggest fears?
  • What are you afraid to show others?
  • Do you know how to demonstrate your talents?
  • When was the last time you listened to your dreams?
  • What can you do to follow your dreams?
  • Can you master your emotions or are you dominated by them?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Key Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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