Categories: Lenormand

The Mountain Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Mountain is a card that represents great obstacles. Due to its robust, strong and imposing profile, the impression one has, when confronted with it, is of having gigantic challenges ahead, so unrealistic that the possibilities of overcoming them seem null. But, it’s just an impression. There is nothing here that cannot be overcome or crossed with determination, focus, strategy and perseverance.

It is important to keep in mind that, just as a climber takes a few things to climb the mountain, the same must be done when faced with this card. You have to leave behind all the emotional baggage that brought you here, get rid of old habits and conscience to allow the soul, heart and mind to become light and not encounter obstacles during the climb.

Keywords of The Mountain

To better understand the interpretations related to The Mountain card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: difficulties, delays, obstacles, solidity, strength, blockage, problems, impairment, challenges, stubbornness, remote place, travel, borders, struggle

The Mountain Meaning

You have to be aware of the obstacles that may come your way. Even if you believe you are prepared to face any problem and challenge, sometimes this preparation is not enough and you can end up getting lost in the face of something of great proportions and not knowing how to act and what to do. Therefore, even if you believe in your ability to solve problems, it is also important to believe that not everything has a ready or quick solution, and changing tactics and strategies is a way to improve your ability.

Having too much security can be your biggest enemy when facing the challenges that are about to arise. Fear, at that moment, and when well dosed, is an ally to be able to measure pros and cons and know how to behave in the face of the unexpected without suffering hard falls, after all, it is a feeling capable of stopping us in the face of danger or strengthening us to face it, just know how to use it correctly.

Stop seeing obstacles as something always negative is a very important step that you must take at this time. All the challenges we face along our journey are present in it to strengthen us and prepare us for something bigger that comes along with each victory. Without them, life passes like a still, stagnant lake, without the emotion needed to breathe, to want to move forward. Feeling lost, suffocated, with a fearful heart is natural and should not be used as an excuse for not climbing the mountain and being able to admire the beautiful landscape that extends beyond it.

The tip here is to take it easy. Reduce speed and take some time to observe the mountain as a whole, the position of each stone, which is the steepest part, where are there branches that can serve as support, see the problem as a whole and not just an unsolvable part. This takes time and is essential to know where to put your foot first and your hand second, safely climbing to the top. In a hurry the chances of rolling down the mountain are enormous, so keep calm, tranquillity, sanity and, above all, an empty mind of any phobia and past load.

The Mountain card can also symbolise an enemy, someone who is going behind your back and trying at all costs to hurt you in some way. That’s why it’s always good to keep your eyes open to your circle to be able to understand the nuances of an enemy dressed as someone trustworthy. Stubborn people who cannot give their arm to twist in the face of a certain situation, even the universe showing that it is wrong, also have strong symbolism in this card. In that case, that person could be yourself, which makes you your worst enemy. Getting comfortable with a certain thing, or seeing challenges as a waste of time, can hinder your evolution and maturation.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Mountain card shows a relationship that faces great challenges and has not been for a short time. It’s as if your walk was already bringing small obstacles, but, for some reason, you were avoiding them with the certainty that everything would be fine in the end, however, the accumulation of these situations left aside began to grow in such proportion that now it is practically impossible to coexist harmoniously if nothing is done to resolve this whole. It is necessary to stop and face what is stagnant in you, what is delaying or preventing your growth as a couple, in addition to causing unnecessary discussions and unfounded fights in this union. The impression one gets from the outside is that one blames the other for the problem and neither one does anything to solve it.

It is important to begin to understand that a relationship must always be based on mutual support, respect and complicity, in addition to love, of course, but without this triple there is no love that can resist the journey of life in union with your chosen one. This is the moment when you must stop and analyze what is happening between you and with you. Try together to find a solution that can rescue the happiness of a first date. Rebuild, if necessary, the basis of this relationship and face what looms before you with cooperation, affection and strength.

This card also warns of the excessive routine into which the relationship has sunk. Wake up at the same time every day, go to work, come back at night, eat and sleep. That’s how your life is and that’s not how your life should be. Finding a way to get around the boring day-to-day that we all live in today is the biggest challenge faced here and you don’t need big things to do that, but open your eyes to this need. A candlelit dinner on a Wednesday, for example, is the best way to rekindle old passion, de-stress from a tiring day and spend some quality time with your love. Simplicity is the key.

If you are single, the Mountain card does not bring great predictions about your love life. Nothing very special is going to happen for now, but that doesn’t mean that you should put aside your attempts to find great love, you just need to measure your expectations about the suitors that come your way so you don’t end up being disappointed. Perhaps it will take longer than expected for something to actually happen in this regard.

Work and Career

In terms of work and career, the Mountain card has two very different meanings. On the one hand, you may be ready to receive a promotion, change of position, new projects, activities or even a salary increase, whatever it is will be a great reward for all the effort you’ve put into your career so far.

The path may have been long and sometimes you thought about giving up, especially when you didn’t have recognition from the team or people in higher hierarchy, but you didn’t. For some reason, you persisted and struggled, facing each new challenge with determination and determination, rising after many falls and reaching the top. Many may even think that you didn’t deserve it, usually when we receive greater attention this happens, but you know it wasn’t easy and that’s enough.

In addition to enjoying the fruits, it is necessary to give thanks. Be aware that just as every climber needs his tools to climb the mountains, you need hands to hoist you up. Knowing how to value the help you received from people who love you and were by your side all the way is to thank the Universe for putting them there for you.

On the other hand, this card can warn of the great challenges to come. You are in a moment of your work where everything seems stagnant or you feel that you lack the necessary motivation to leverage your career or conquer the space and position that you so desire. It’s like something prevents you from moving forward, trapping your legs at the beginning of your climb, but don’t despair. This is temporary, and even with obstacles looming in front of you, you are fully capable of dealing with them.

The moment is propitious to start being seen for your commitment. Dedicate yourself more, even believing you can’t, and use problems as the source of your light. Turn what seems unsolvable into a solution. Make a difference and show your full potential.

If you are looking for a job, some obstacles may appear along the way and slightly distance you from conquering it, but with dedication and effort you will be able to return to the job market. The moment is not to give up. If the problem seems unsolvable or difficult to overcome, don’t be afraid to ask for help from those who care about you, it’s certainly much easier to climb the mountain when we have our hands outstretched in front of us to support us.

Health and Wellness

As an obstacle card, the Mountain warns of health-related issues. These may be problems that already exist or may develop over time.

In the first case, the difficulties related to treatments and side effects may be making the recovery from an illness longer than expected, but it is important to persist in what is prescribed by the doctor responsible for your treatment to achieve complete cure of the illness that you are suffering from. it ails you. Even if it still takes a while to reach it, it is not something impossible.

Now, in the second case, this card asks for increased attention to your habits and customs. Not exercising, leading a sedentary lifestyle and having an unbalanced diet filled with superfluous foods can lead you to develop serious and persistent illnesses, such as high cholesterol, for example. Keeping medical exams up to date helps to avoid unpleasant surprises.

The Mountain can also indicate blockages or lethargy caused mainly by traumas and ghosts from the past that take over your feelings, preventing you from moving forward at the slightest contact with obstacles and challenges. Overcoming what blocks you can be difficult alone, so a tip is to seek professional help to break the chain that binds your feet and hands and be able to continue on your journey with tranquillity and calm.

  • Body parts connected to the card: head, heart

The Mountain meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, the Mountain turns issues into challenges to be faced and overcome. These challenges should not always be seen as something bad or that will demand a lot of energy, but you have to face them if you want to move forward. There is no other way to achieve what you plan. Alternatively, it may represent travel or contact with people abroad. Furthermore, when in the central position, this card can also point to obstacles represented by ill-natured people infiltrated in personal or professional coexistence, or stubborn people – the consultant himself or third parties – that impede the advancement of the path.

At the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the consultant, it indicates obstacles thrown against him, especially when it comes to enemies, people who are dressed as good guys, but are capable of anything to reverse any spread to their own benefit . It is necessary to be attentive to those who are around a lot to know if there is no nebulous reason behind so much camaraderie. If you are far from the querent, this card signals loyalty and trust in the people around you. Obstacles and challenges may appear along the way, but there are true friends here who are ready to help. Another indication of this card is travel or a great yearning to escape stressful everyday life.

Combinations with The Mountain

This is a negative card, even if challenges and obstacles appear on the way to strengthen the consultant and help him in his growth, what he must face will require a greater demand of energy from him, making it negative as a whole. To know the intensity of this negativity it is necessary to consult the cards of support.

The Mountain and The Fox

It is necessary to awaken the inner cunning to face what is to come, that is the warning brought by the combination of these two cards. Big challenges loom on the horizon and carry with them blockages and problems that need greater cleverness and strategy to be solved and not disturb the path as much as they promise to do. Being extra careful with malicious people who may be hanging around your life is vital to not falling into traps. Delays in projects, trips, business are also pointed out here and, once again, it will be necessary to use intelligence to work around the unforeseen events that this will cause along the way.

The Mountain and The Stork

When the Mountain card pairs with the Stork card, it warns of inevitable delays that will shake the structures of relationships, societies and businesses or plans that have been carefully and carefully drawn up until now. It is necessary to remain calm so as not to turn this into a much bigger problem, using tactics and intelligence to overcome the consequences of these delays.

If you are trying to get pregnant, it may be difficult to achieve this goal, but it is not impossible, it will just take a little more patience. In some cases, it is likely to be necessary to use fertilisation techniques or investigate probable fertility problems in the couple.

The Mountain – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with The Mountain card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Mars
  • Card: Eight of Wands
  • Astrological signs: Aries
  • Number: 21 (twenty one)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Mountain as a person

As a person, The Mountain card can represent someone who is stubborn and has great difficulties in changing plans and projects, even when they have no chance of growth, which can lead to disillusionment and disbelief in one’s own potential. Dogmatic, fixed-thinking people who have rigidity when it comes to innovations are also represented by this card. When it comes to professions, the Mountain represents miners, geologists, therapists who use crystals and professionals who work with rocks and mountains.

The Time in The Mountain card

The Mountain card is associated with delays, so any event announced by it will find some kind of delay in its completion, regardless of whether it is successful or not. This delay may lead to an extension of the term by a few weeks, months or years, everything will depend on the card of support at the time of reading to be sure about the time.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Mountain card spread?

  • Can you see the obstacles in your path?
  • Are there alternative paths for you at this time?
  • Are you keeping any feelings from past situations that prevent you from evolving?
  • Do you recognize the many ways you have to reach your goal?
  • Can you see what you can learn from the challenges that come your way?
  • Is there someone in your life you can turn to for help?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Crossroad Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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