The Scythe Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Scythe is a card that does not carry its own meaning, being more seen as a card empowered by the others. It appears in the spread to signal how quickly events happen, and can be positive or negative, depending on the position of the cards around it.

While the closest cards are negatively influenced, with sudden, brusque and often violent events, such as a strong storm that arrives unannounced and causes great damage wherever it goes, the more distant cards tend to bring opportunities in the form of pleasant surprises that can help keep the bad things out of life. However, it is always necessary to remain alert because, due to its high level of immediacy, the scythe cut can end up causing gigantic damage if it is not very well directed. Now is the time to remain vigilant and prepared.

Keywords of The Scythe

To better understand the interpretations related to the card A Scythe let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: accidents, hasty decisions, separation, liberation, danger, speed, immediacy, cuts, urgency, shock, risk

The Scythe Meaning

It is necessary to remain alert when The Scythe appears in the spread, as it brings with it sudden events that can turn your life upside down and in such a way that the blow of this turn can lead to unexpected consequences, although they are not always negative.

Sudden endings that were already being desired for a long time could happen here in a violent way – violent in the sense of having a sudden and definitive break – so, if you are waiting anxiously for some outcome in a given situation, the chances are very high that it will happen and at a moment I wasn’t expecting. On the other hand, this finalisation may also not be expected and, in this case, it will be necessary to be prepared to face the changes, as the cut will be quick, painful and definitive, as well as necessary.

It is necessary to understand that this card represents the time of harvest and, just as the Scythe is used to harvest and help prepare the soil for the future, it is also used to remove weeds and everything that is harmful to the plantation. Therefore, in the same way that it can bring opportunities into your life and rewards for the work done so far, it also has great power to apply punishments for past acts. The time has come to realize that the fruits we reap will always be a consequence of what we sow. Rotten seeds will never bring good fruit, as well as the opposite.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, The Scythe card is not a positive card to draw, as it carries with it strong negative energy. The end of the union is very clear here and it will happen one way or another. Maybe, you and your partner went through a whirlwind of problems and disagreements that ended up wearing down the feelings you still had for each other, or you couldn’t forgive something that happened in your past, whatever it is, staying together is not an option, because that which united them no longer exists and insisting on this relationship will end up bringing suffering and sadness.

As she is a court card, the end of this relationship can also occur unexpectedly and abruptly. It could be because of a betrayal, a violent fight for different opinions on a certain subject or gossip and intrigue from close people. Whatever the reason, you could be taken by surprise by this ending, so the advice is to be prepared to face this rupture and see it as an opportunity for growth.

If you are single, this card warns of the importance of cutting the past of your life in order to be able to surrender to a new relationship in your future. As long as you are attached to certain people, relationships or thoughts, it will not help you to dream of new love, as it will not happen.

Work and Career

A Scythe represents major changes within your work environment and you must be prepared not to be run over and suffer the consequences brought by inattention or neglect.

If you are experiencing problems with colleagues or people of superior hierarchy, this card signals the potentialization of these situations, resulting in project delays, misunderstandings and discussions due to adverse opinions. It is necessary to start acting to improve the atmosphere in the work environment before unexpected events end up transforming your work into an unhappy, stressful and desperate place, affecting the other areas of your life in a negative way, and may even represent the loss of that job.

On the other hand, if you are in harmony with the people you work with and the activities and projects are going as expected, then new opportunities will be present through the recognition of people of superior hierarchy. It could be a salary increase, a vacancy on a project you want to be part of, or a change in position. Whatever it is, it will be the result of your work and effort so far.

If you are unemployed, then vacancies will be offered and it will not take long to get a job.

Health and Wellness

The Scythe symbolises unexpected evils that can have serious consequences if not treated correctly and quickly. Maybe you didn’t pay attention to your body as you should and now that neglect has serious consequences for you. You need to seek medical advice at the slightest sign of imbalance to be able to reverse the situation in time.

Changing habits, exercising, eating right and taking care of your mind will help you get through this period in the best possible way. It is also necessary to let go of old addictions so that they do not lead to new diseases.

Surgeries and oral health issues are also announced when this card appears in the spread.

  • Body parts connected to the card: skin, mouth, teeth.

The Scythe meaning according to your position in the spread

When in centre or first position in the nine-card spread, The Scythe screams for quick action and a drastic, radical life change. As long as there is no action to modify what is not working, stagnation will remain the same and the feeling of lack of accomplishment will remain latent. Close attention is needed when this card occupies the central position of the spread, because this card will always carry negative energy and point to great losses, accidents and falls, everything happening violently, abruptly and suddenly.

In the Grand Tableau, your reading should start from the cards of support, as it can bring both positive meanings, opportunities and rewards, and negative ones, dangers and accidents, which will be able to transform the consultant’s life. What will dictate the intensity of these events will be the position of the card in relation to the querent, the further away you are, the less these changes will impact your life. Either way, it’s always good to stay on your toes, regardless of your position in the spread.

Combinations with The Scythe 

The Scythe is a card that enhances the energy represented by the support cards, however, as it represents unexpected events that occur extremely quickly, it tends to transform positive events into negative ones, when you are not attentive and focused to take advantage of the opportunities that the universe offers.

The Scythe and The Cloud

A Scythe aligned with the cloud reflects the indecisions that permeate the mind in the face of the challenges and paths that life offers. Sudden events can end up deepening this feeling and causing despair and a strong feeling of helplessness. It takes centering and focus to deal with the unexpected and not end up being engulfed by the wave of events. Be careful that unpreparedness doesn’t lead you to make bad decisions. This combination of cards can also represent a serious danger related to the area indicated by the card positioned on the left. In this case, extra attention is needed.

The Scythe and The Ship

Unexpected and sudden journeys are announced when these two cards come together. What could be pleasurable and liberating can become alarming, especially if you are running away from a situation or problem. If this is the case, it is necessary to be careful so that this escape does not turn into martyrdom and end up bringing more unhappiness than freedom. There are problems that will always haunt you, regardless of where you go, and a prompt resolution is needed before moving forward. This union of cards can symbolize missing someone or somewhere, whatever it is, that feeling will be responsible for your decisions. It can also mean cancelling a trip.

The Scythe – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with the Scythe card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Pluto
  • Card: Jack of Diamonds
  • Astrological signs: Scorpio
  • Number: 10 (ten)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Scythe as a person

The Scythe indicates someone fickle and who is always making changes in life looking to feel complete, but rarely manages to achieve this completeness, as he cannot change his own feelings and thoughts. They are authoritarian and rude people who do everything to make things go the way they want, discarding from their lives anyone who might prevent them from reaching the desired levels. They are people of great promises and little action.

Time in the card The Scythe 

The Scythe is a card of speed. Everything happens in a very short period of time due to its immediate energy. Some cards of support can cause a delay, like The Mountain, but this delay is never too long, with the deadline for events to happen being 10 days, 10 weeks or, at the latest, 10 months.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread The Scythe ?

  • What should I leave behind and change in my life?
  • What stops my growth?
  • What should I do to be prepared for sudden changes in life?
  • In what area of ​​life should I be more aware and cautious?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Whip Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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