The Ship Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Ship is a card that indicates good winds for everyone who has truly dedicated themselves to something and can finally begin to reap the good fruits of the earth. However, it is important to pay attention to the charts of your surroundings for a correct reading and, thus, to know in which direction the ship is travelling and where the winds are blowing, as this chart can indicate both new horizons to be explored, as well as land in full view rewards or traps. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive.

Keywords of The Ship

To better understand the interpretations related to The Ship card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: journey, travel, departure, distance, enterprise, success, rewards, opportunities, foreigner, what comes from afar, adventure, progress, opportunities, success and hope

The Ship Meaning

The Ship is a card that symbolises the journeys we go through throughout our lives. The Ship is also known as The Sea. It can be physical, through travel, excursions, changes, or mental, self-knowledge, dreams, inspirations, creativity. Regardless of its type, this journey is very important for the development of the person as a whole, as well as for their maturation, helping with challenges that are yet to come and in the search for solutions to problems that, until then, seemed insoluble.

Often, when we feel tied to something that prevents us from moving forward, some conflict that drains our energy, for example, we need to distance ourselves from it, leave the island and see the situation directly from the high seas. This movement makes it possible to transform what seemed hopeless into something that brings strength and wisdom to reach new seas. Here, experiencing the new and unknown and giving chance to chance may be the wisest choice to make. Remembering that embarking on a new trip, no matter how small, without any luggage can be an unnecessary risk to take.

Try to understand yourself, keep your time always in the first place and make sure you are mature and strong enough to face the unknown, as it often delivers formidable things to us in the same proportion as challenges never faced before. If you have your ticket in hand, your bags properly packed and an open mind to truly commit yourself to the new, then you can be sure that you will be ready to embark on this journey and succeed.

The point to make here is that this is a movement card. Staying active is what will allow the wheel to keep running. Staying stagnant watching ships pass through your window will make you miss unique opportunities and fail to reap the fruits you fought so hard for. This is a very clear card about this: success here is only achieved when the person walks towards it, even if it is to distance himself from something that is preventing him from progressing.

In the most literal sense, this card symbolizes travel, short or long, abroad or in nearby lands. These are trips that bring with them great rewards and derive from hard work and old projects and dreams. If you are planning a leisure trip with family, friends, or even alone, know that O Navio ou O Mar appears to make this wish come true.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the O Navio card symbolizes a lasting and long-term relationship. Even if you are not in a stable union or effectively married to this person, it shows that there is someone awakening all your senses for some time and this moves your life in such a way that you can no longer see a road without this person walking. by your side. However, if on the one hand O Navio ou O Mar applauds this union and positively influences its advancement, showing that this passion must be cultivated with a lot of love and affection, there is a side that shows something not very beautiful and asks that the As soon.

This darker interpretation occurs when the feeling is not true, or when there is a platonic love being nourished by you. If there is no reciprocity so far, then don’t wait for this person to wake up to you and run into your arms, as the chances of this actually happening are minimal. Evaluate whether you have the same feeling for each other before taking forward something that, if it only exists in your world, will delay you and prevent your growth and maturation.

This card also points to a long distance love or waiting for a love that, for some reason, is no longer by your side. If that’s the case, only you will know how much it’s worth giving reason to a feeling that may end up being just in the imagination. Just as ships travel far and return in other seasons, they can choose to continue exploring new horizons and never return, regardless of that, only you will know what is best for your life and, above all, for your heart.

If you’re single, someone from faraway lands is about to walk into your life and turn your head. It could be through a sweeping passion or a love that happens to be reciprocated by someone who is far from you. This detachment does not necessarily have to come from a very distant place, it could be someone who is in neighbouring lands or a person who has a culture completely different from yours, either way, it will bring other airs to your life and lead you to explore the unknown. The important thing is to be alert to recognize when this feeling arises and bet your chips on it, as it has everything to work out.

Work and Career

The Ship is a very positive card when it appears in a work and career reading. Here, the news is very good and luck brings with it great opportunities, making it the right time to dive headfirst into that project that was left out for some reason, start something new, like opening a business, for example, and even change job or sector within your company, but you must once and for all take the helm of your professional life and make the choices of what you really want for your development, because while you don’t know where you want to sail, you’ll be adrift in high seas and that will only bring damage that could have been avoided easily.

An important warning that this card brings us is that, although opportunities are pointing out on the horizon, you shouldn’t be in a rush to grab them. You have to let the course of the sea find its way and things happen without forced intervention. Wanting things to happen before their time will only serve to make them run over each other and miss important details that shouldn’t be left behind. So, pay attention to what the universe gives you and be patient to receive it at the right time.

This card also indicates business abroad, via remote network, business trips and connections with people from different places and cultures, generating very advantageous and long-awaited financial growth. If you’re thinking about investing in something new or expanding your business, especially if you go overseas, now is the time. Expansion plans are most welcome when the ship appears in the spread.

Health and Wellness

In a health and well-being reading, the ship card literally indicates displacement to other lands in order to treat some harm to the body or mind. If you are facing an illness or your body is showing signs that it needs your full attention, it is very likely that you will have to travel in search of a specialist to better assess your situation. Important treatments abroad or cities close to yours may also be indicated by your doctor and, if this occurs, there is no doubt here that you should undergo them in order to regain your health.

Alternative healing methods can also be an alternative to alleviate some ailments. Sometimes, traditional medicine treatment fails to reach what is really causing the suffering faced and, at this moment, alternative treatments, such as reiki, meditation, retreats, color therapy, among others, become the greatest weapon to overcome the turmoil that hits him, especially if the problem is of a mental and emotional nature. The important thing is to find balance and always take care of yourself, not letting your body and mind collapse due to sheer inattention. Remember, our body always lets us know when something is not right. Learn to listen.

  • Body parts connected to the card: liver, breasts, buttocks.

The Ship meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the ship encourages you to be more adventurous and throw yourself headfirst into the projects and plans you have drawn up to achieve your dreams and build a future you desire. For this, it is necessary to remain focused, create strategies and set goals before grabbing what appears ahead, after all, you only win the spread when you know the rules well. But beware, procrastinating and wasting too much time tirelessly planning a future while letting the present pass before your eyes is also a shot in the foot. Everything must be balanced. One must plan in the same proportion as one puts oneself into action. Finding that balance will be the biggest advantage here. In the central card, in particular, The Ship always brings success, brightness and good results, even if the surrounding cards have a negative charge.

On the Grand Tableau, when the card is close to the querent it indicates a very important trip about to happen. It may have been planned or not, regardless, this trip will have the power to change the course of life in some way. When far away, it symbolizes financial success, especially when it comes to trade and business through exports and connections with people from different cultures. An inheritance is also a strong sign when in this position.

Combinations with The Ship 

The Ship is a card strongly influenced by the cards around it, and can bring negative or positive meanings depending on the combinations. But, she always reminds us that, just as the tide changes with the seasons, we still possess great strength to alter the ship’s course and find the promised land through effort, dedication and determination. Nothing is immutable.

The Ship and The Scythe

The combination of these two cards signals a sudden trip for unpleasant reasons that will guide you away from a dream or take someone you care about very far away from you. It also symbolizes a cancelled or interrupted trip due to an accident or mishaps that occurred along the way. You have to be very attentive when the ship appears together with A Foice, as the propensity for serious accidents to occur is enormous. You can’t be too careful, especially if you’re exploring unknown lands.

The Ship and The Garden

These two cards, when together, bring good vibes and unforgettable trips that will bring good memories and great fruits for the future. These are trips that can be for leisure and fun, such as a tour group, for example, or in the professional field, fairs and events, which will allow you to get to know different cultures, explore new places and increase positive and advantageous connections.

The Ship – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with the The Ship card

  • Element: Water 
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Card: Ten of Swords
  • Astrological signs: Sagittarius
  • Number: 3 (three)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Ship as a person

The person represented by this card is usually someone who has or comes from a totally different culture than your own or a person responsible for making connections with the outside world, such as a travel agent, merchant, investor or someone who works in water transport. .

The time on The Ship card

The Ship is a card that has a longer time than the previous cards in the deck. It is a slow-moving card, in which patience is needed to achieve the desired goals, because, even if you have the impression that nothing is happening, things are moving forward and aligning with their time for the right success. Normally, the forecast is 3 weeks, 3 months or even 3 years to actually materialize.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of The Ship ?

  • Can you figure out the best course for your life?
  • What areas of your life remain unexplored?
  • Have you managed to put any of your plans into action?
  • What should you start doing to be bolder and venture into the unknown?
  • What are you running away from?
  • What are you looking for?
  • Are you scared of letting someone or something go?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The House Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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