The Snake Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The snake is a mystical being that is present in different religious and philosophical aspects. It carries with it a great duality between good and evil built on its positive aspects, wisdom, strength and spiritual ascension, and negative aspects, betrayal, evil, trickery and malice. Because of this remarkable feature, the snake / the serpent card is one of the most complicated to read during the spread, requiring extra attention to the supporting cards in order to have the most accurate prediction possible. Usually, it is linked to issues involving secrets, cunning and diplomacy, being a reference more to the emotional side than the material one.

Keywords of The Snake 

To better understand the interpretations related to the snake card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: desire, seduction, betrayal, deception, intelligence, lies, jealousy, sexuality, malice, selfishness, rivalry, wisdom

The snake meaning

Just as the snake was the temptation that made Adam and Eve expelled from paradise, one of the faces of this card represents this role very well by bringing with it the symbology of the uncontrollable desire for something specific. The problem here is not the desire itself, but the way it shapes reality around the person. It is something so strong that it is capable of trapping you in a world of perdition where the uncontrollable desire to feel the excitement of fulfilling these desires becomes an impossible addiction to escape, capable of even controlling all decisions and actions, which becomes something very dangerous. If this is your case,

On another side, still negative, the snake card represents the betrayal resulting from manipulative, petty and calculating actions. When the meaning of this card pulls you towards this bias, you need to be very attentive to the people around you, especially those you consider trustworthy, as this card reveals the true face of people. The reasons for such disloyalty symbolized here can be from simple selfishness, wanting things to work your way, or envy for the place you are. Regardless of what moves the person in question, you need to keep your eyes open and your senses sharp to be able to perceive the moment you are being manipulated and escape unharmed from a certain blow.

Already on its positive side, it represents the wisdom gained along the way. You knew how to learn from mistakes and increased your knowledge, which will help you in your future in the face of any challenge and problem that may arise. Just as the snake brought the truth about the universe, you knew how to face the reality that life imposed on you, however painful it may be, which helped you to choose the right weapons to fight for your goals.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Snake card appears in the reading to warn of problems in the relationship caused by external people. It may be that someone from a previous relationship reappears and stirs your emotions or your partner’s, bringing up old feelings that have been dormant for some time. Even if the union in question did not end well, for some reason this person still stirs feelings and may end up putting doubts in your head regarding the current relationship.

If it’s an ex of yours, then you’ll have to weigh whether it’s really worth risking everything for someone who was no longer with you. Old flames can go out as quickly as they rekindle, so you have to be careful with your attitudes and choices so as not to hurt your current partner and regret it later. Now, if the ex is your partner’s, before you lose your temper, it’s worth calling him for a sincere and respectful conversation. Don’t get carried away by gossip or illusions that didn’t come true, listening to what he has to say is the best way to resolve this situation.

The person depicted here could also be a lover. Someone who has been around your relationship for a while and ready to make the right move. Being naturally seductive, this rival will use all his charm to get what he wants and it will depend solely on you to impose limits and move away as soon as possible. While it can be very tempting to give in without fear, it’s important to realize that this is only sexual attraction and nothing more.

If you are single, suitors are present in your life, especially in the circle of acquaintances, but there is nothing but passion in the relationships that are formed here. If you expect to find a love that will last more than four seasons, then the tip is to wait for time to bring it to you. Don’t rush things out of fear of being alone, the moment is for fun, enjoying life and surrendering without high expectations.

Work and Career

The Snake card symbolizes problems, difficulties and challenges to be faced within your career and work environment. Relationships with colleagues and people of higher hierarchical position are shaken, mainly by discussions involving projects and team activities. Even if you have created a relationship of respect with each other and make an effort to listen to ideas and absorb other people’s opinions, not everyone has the same attitude, which ends up causing stress and conflicts. You have to keep your mind calm and not get carried away by the friction that arises around you. If you manage not to let yourself be affected by the negativity that hangs in the air, you will definitely manage to keep delivering excellent work.

This card also warns of people who go behind your back. You may not have realized it yet, but most likely, there is someone in your work environment who is working hard to bring you down in every possible way. Using gossip, malicious attitudes and a lot of poison, this person intends to conquer the space you occupy today and will spare no efforts to achieve it. Don’t get caught up in her spread. Keep working the way you’ve been doing, dedicate yourself one hundred percent and show your worth to those who really matter. It is important to highlight that this person can act like a friend, sharing intimacy and demonstrating trust. So always learn to read between the lines.

Health and Wellness

When The snake card appears in the spread for a health and well-being reading, it signals dangers and problems that are often hidden. Because she is the symbol of medicine, she always appears to guide us to seek help from a professional, regardless of what she is feeling, whether it be mild headaches, vertigo or simple discomfort in the legs, it doesn’t matter, a medical evaluation is paramount. . You may not have noticed it yet or you consider these minor pains as something passing and that does not need attention, but you may be developing an illness that, if not treated properly, could end up becoming something more serious and difficult to cure.

Changing your habits, practising physical activities and taking care of your mind are the first steps to prevent any harm from becoming established. Attention to your body and mind must be redoubled when this card appears in the spread. Don’t be afraid to seek help if you realise that something is wrong with you, because even if the tests turn out to be nothing, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

This card can also represent someone who works with health such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists and other professionals in the field.

  • Body parts connected to the card: circulatory system, skin, genitals, intestine.

The Snake meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the snake asks to remain discreet about plans, projects, ideas and activities that are still only on paper. Not exposing the steps you intend to take to achieve desired goals is the best way to ward off negativity, envy, the evil eye and prevent people of bad faith from putting their claws out. You have to be strategist and rational, not letting your emotions show and expose your plans to other people, as not everyone can be completely trusted.

On the Grand Tableau, this card will always represent a dishonest and hypocritical person who is ready to negatively interfere with any plan or activity that one is willing to carry out to achieve set goals. When the card is close to the querent, it symbolizes greater vulnerability to attacks and swindles, so you need to be very attentive to people in your inner circle and avoid trusting too much. When you are away from the consultant, even if there are dishonest and unwelcome advances, they do not seriously affect the person.

Combinations with The Snake 

The snake is a negative card and has the power to influence the other cards in the spread following this energy. According to the symbology of the support cards, it will be possible to trace the intensity of this negativity, which can be mitigated or even not reach the person directly. Despite this, it is important to pay attention to the positive symbolism that this card carries when related to growth and maturity through acquired wisdom.

The Snake and The Bouquet

Problems begin to dissolve little by little and many of them in a positive way, providing learning and maturation for all involved. An apology is about to follow and it is accompanied by pure feelings of regret for past actions. Even so, it is necessary to remain vigilant so that the same mistakes do not happen again.

The Snake and The Fox

Lies, betrayals, cheating, these are some of the negative energies that surround the combination of these two cards. When the snake joins the fox, a gigantic alert is lit to be extra careful with people who consider themselves to be very trustworthy. Betrayal will come from where you least expect it and will bring great damage with it. Therefore, it is important to keep your mouth closed, not exposing plans and objectives, and your eyes open, capturing any suspicious movement.

The Snake – ​​Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with the snake card

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Moon
  • Card: Queen of Wands
  • Astrological signs: Cancer
  • Number: 7 (seven)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The snake as a person

The snake usually represents a woman with brown hair, mature, experienced and who knows how to manipulate others to get what she wants. Intelligent and astute, she is hardly caught in a lie or when she is acting in bad faith, knowing how to use her natural charm and seduction to camouflage her attitudes and leave the story as an innocent. He is a totally self-interested person who only interacts with others if he can take advantage of the relationship, otherwise they consider it a waste of time. To get what they want, they go over anyone, even deceiving family and friends.

The Time in The Snake card

This is a card that presents very different times for the realization of things. A lot will depend on the path chosen and the actions taken to establish this period, mainly because it is a card that warns of problems and difficulties in the middle of the path that can lead to delays or extend deadlines already defined by the consultant. This period can be 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months or 7 years.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of The Snake ?

  • How far are you able to go to fulfil a wish?
  • What are you doing to protect your plans from malicious people?
  • Am I being controlled by my desires?
  • What addictions do I carry with me?
  • Are you acting like a victim or a predator?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Coffin Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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