Categories: Lenormand

The Star Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Just as the shooting star glides across the sky carrying with it the deepest desires of each being to a mysterious and magical world where everything is possible, the Star card appears to light up dreams and open the box of hope for each plan drawn on the line of a not-too-distant horizon. Here, the certainty of achieving brilliance is as immense as the combination of all the constellations on a summer night. Its strength is so great that it can neutralise any negative card, pointing to success even if there are huge obstacles in the way. Nothing is insurmountable when you have the Star as the main card in your spread. Everything is possible, everything is palpable, everything comes true, regardless of how long it takes for this to happen. In the field of magic, this card encompasses the spirituality and divinity that inhabits each of us, being able to lift the veil that covers the unaccustomed eyes of some people, enhancing intuition.

The Star’s Keywords

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The Star, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: hope, desires, inspiration, magic, optimism, progress, dreams, spirituality, intuition.

The Star Meaning

The Star is a card with a strong positive essence, capable of neutralising and/or softening the negative energy naturally present in some cards. It foreshadows success, but not just any success, but one that is desired from the bottom of the heart and for which

Even if you find yourself at a time in your life when everything seems out of kilter and nothing seems to be going right, believe me, the star always shines when the paths are aligned to follow the right path. Perhaps, it is necessary to renew the positivity within yourself, even in the face of the worst obstacles, as the ideals pursued will be seen soon ahead on your journey.

Staying away from negative situations and people is good advice to follow, so that you don’t end up infected by the dark aura that revolves around petty and envious things. The moment is to believe in yourself, lift your head, open a beautiful smile on your face, fill your lungs with new air and walk decisively towards the place you want to arrive, without fear, after all, happiness is closer to you than you imagine, just open your eyes to see it.

This card also symbolises the immensity of the universe and the countless possibilities it has to offer us to achieve what we want. In this case, it may be necessary to create a little more trust to exchange plans, strategies and paths. Feeling safe to take risks is the key when things don’t seem to work out. Your confidence must be aligned with all the constellations of immensity, so you will be sure, at the end of your walk, that everything will have been worth it. If you are in doubt about which road to take and actions to follow, look inside yourself and listen to your intuition. The Star is a card related to magic and opens all portals to connect with the divine, so messages and advice are all within ourselves. Meditating, reconnecting and taking time to listen to your soul is the best way to get around any situation and move forward. Leave despair out of your story.

On the other hand, the Star can also mean a warning, especially when aligned with negative cards. It may require a forced stop in the way you are acting on your own dreams. Maybe you’re getting too caught up in other people’s success and forgetting what it really means to be successful for yourself. Spending energy trying to reach some level just to be famous by others is, in addition to a waste of time, the certainty of unhappiness, because you will never be happy with anything, not even a single achievement. Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t cover up for something that’s miles away. Be grateful for what you’ve already achieved and work towards achieving your dreams, one at a time. Dedicating yourself without too much pressure will make you have great moments and cultivate happy memories during your journey. Be happy. Nothing less.

As mentioned earlier, the Star is also a card of magic and occultism, so psychic abilities may emerge or be worked with more potential at this time. If you are looking for spiritual answers, this is the time to connect with mystical beings.

On the other hand, the Star can also mean a warning, especially when aligned with negative cards. It may require a forced stop in the way you are acting on your own dreams. Maybe you’re getting too caught up in other people’s success and forgetting what it really means to be successful for yourself. Spending energy trying to reach some level just to be famous by others is, in addition to a waste of time, the certainty of unhappiness, because you will never be happy with anything, not even a single achievement. Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t cover up for something that’s miles away. Be grateful for what you’ve already achieved and work towards achieving your dreams, one at a time. Dedicating yourself without too much pressure will make you have great moments and cultivate happy memories during your journey. Be happy. Nothing less.

As mentioned earlier, the Star is also a card of magic and occultism, so psychic abilities may emerge or be worked with more potential at this time. If you are looking for spiritual answers, this is the time to connect with mystical beings.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Star card symbolizes a stable union in perfect harmony. Even with the difficulties present in everyday life, nothing seems to shake you, because you are together on this journey of growth and self-knowledge. Fights and disagreements will always exist, after all, each one has their own life story before coming together before the universe, but knowing how to remedy and deal with these disagreements with respect and maturity is what makes the big difference in your relationship. These attitudes not only strengthen this relationship every day, but also allow you to move forward and fulfil the desires and dreams that you bring with you. Both individual ones and, and mainly, those idealised together.

Here, the only important advice is not to let situations from the past resurface and disturb what you have built together so far. Sometimes, it is necessary to seek help to work and resolve small inner issues that may hinder or prevent the future from being wonderful. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to go in search of some help to heal old wounds effectively and permanently. This help can be both in the physical and spiritual world. You will know what is best for you. And that goes for your partner too, if you realize something is stopping him and delaying his way, be the shoulder he needs. Listen to him and help him heal. You still have a lot to grow together and knowing how to embrace each other’s pains, healing them in union is the best way to find the happiness so desired. Also be careful with a past relationship, as an ex may end up showing up wanting to occupy the place he once occupied. If there are no longer any feelings that connect them, then there is no point in letting them into your life again.

If you’re single, a new and exciting romance is about to emerge, and when it does, you’ll feel all the butterflies in the world fluttering in your stomach again. That yummy chill that makes you dream with your eyes open and want to be together just for being. The sky is open and the night is starry, so don’t be afraid to give yourself to someone new. Love is in the air and coming your way. Open your heart so he can enter.

Work and Career

Fame, success, recognition. These are the words that best define the Star card when reading work and career. Here, all efforts are rewarded and goals achieved. Maybe it takes a little longer to reach the desired level within your career or company, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It is often necessary to savour the conquest of the small steps to be able to appreciate the end of the stairs. There’s no point running uphill and not realising what you donated and received along the way. In this way the conquest does not have the sweet taste that it should have. Therefore, do not rush. Enjoy. Know that every goal achieved is a glow of happiness lighting up your night sky.

If you’re thinking about changing careers, take advantage of this, because this is the moment to have your talent seen and appreciated by everyone around you, especially people in higher hierarchy. But, again, leave the rush out of this change. Going deeper into the area or position you want to occupy through studies and new connections is of great value so you don’t end up stumbling and falling downhill when you’re at the top. Be the innovation that is expected of you and embrace the creativity that exists within you. This will help you to be seen more easily and solve problems that may arise along the way.

The only care you must take is that the brightness of the star that springs from you does not end up overshadowing your principles and making you a petty person, the type that forgets where you came from or the people who helped you back there. No one can reach success alone, this kind of thinking only serves to push away those who love us and attract loneliness, unhappiness and shadows to life. Always be grateful for everything and everyone.

Another problem that all this glitter can cause is attracting the uncomfortable looks of ill-intentioned people who couldn’t get where you are. This type of envy and negative feeling can be thrown over your head in a moment of your distraction, so always be alert to those around you so you don’t fall into traps. You can’t be too careful when you’re shining brighter than other stars.

Now, if you’re looking for a job, don’t be discouraged, your efforts will be recognized very soon and you’ll soon be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Keep looking for a job and change your strategies if you feel that what you are doing today is not working.

Health and Wellness

In a health and well-being reading, if you are facing any illness or undergoing some lengthy treatment, the Star card brings good omens and asks you to keep faith and positivity high to get through this turbulent and delicate moment . This card shows that the guidelines prescribed by your doctor are starting to take effect and, even if it takes a little longer than expected, the chances of cure are very high. Now, if you are in doubt as to the treatment followed, there is no harm in seeking the opinion of other professionals. The important thing is not to let yourself be discouraged or shaken by the time that will still pass until you are actually better.

If you are in good health, this card points to care that must be taken so that there are no unpleasant surprises in your future. Even though it’s a card of positive essence, when it comes to health, it calls for increased attention to issues involving contagious diseases and infections. Therefore, it is good to have your body and mind in perfect condition to be able to reverse situations that could become a ticking time bomb. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and taking care of your mind through meditation and taking time to enjoy yourself will help you to have the strength to beat any illness that may be looming.

  • Body parts connected to the card: skin, psychological

The Star meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, the Star shines brightly, illuminating the paths and bringing happiness and success in every step of life’s great journey. If she is occupying the central position, she will always bring positive answers to any question asked and, like Aladdin’s magic lamp, fulfils the wishes and dreams of whoever has her. Already in the first position, she asks that gratitude for everything and everyone who helped us along the way be a constant in life, and that we never forget to help those in need, because one day we were also helped, even if, sometimes, it is difficult to recognize this. Here, she also shows the determination to conquer something and the search for the realisation of dreams.

At the Grand Tableau, the Star card represents the fulfilment of dreams and desires for which one fights, regardless of the position in which it occupies in the spread. The only caveat is in the supporting cards. If they are negative, it may indicate a delay in achieving objectives caused by adverse reasons, however, nothing that could actually prevent their achievement. This delay can also be seen as the card moves away from the querent, but again, wishes will be fulfilled.

Combinations with The Star

The Star is a positive card with the power to neutralise or minimise any negativity present in the others. If it is linked to a negative card, this union may represent delays in the realisation of desires and dreams or even external interference that may prevent achieving the goals for which one works so hard. But despite that, success will always be present at the end when the Star appears in the reading.

The Star and The Clover

The brightness of the star combined with the good luck of the clover makes no problem, challenge or obstacle insurmountable. There is a strong spiritual support here to overcome the difficulties that may come your way and guide you to a perfect and successful ending. This is the moment to regain lost strength, regain faith in yourself and in the universe, in case you lost it for some reason, and fight with all the energies and positivity that exist within you to finally achieve the success you so longed for. In case you feel lost, not knowing what the first step to take, look inside yourself and listen to your heart. Your spirit guides will be ready to assist you through it. There are no wrong choices, so don’t be afraid to make them. When it is from the heart, without outside influence, then it is true.

The Star and The Anchor

It takes great care not to end up being your own downfall. This is the main advice that comes with the union of these two cards, especially if the Anchor is the first card to come out during the reading. This happens because, when reaching a certain status of power, some people tend to be carried away by their own ego and narcissism, becoming petty, individualistic and selfish. This transformation destroys interpersonal relationships, pushes away positive energies and repels anything good that the universe may be ready to offer, making the fall through the abyss something inevitable and with no return. Here, pride is the greatest enemy. On the other hand, if you don’t let pride take over you, the success you achieve will be lasting and stable.

The Star – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Star card

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Neptune
  • Card: Six of Cups
  • Astrological signs: Pisces
  • Number: Sixteen (16)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Star as a person

As a person, this card can represent someone who works in some area related to the study of the cosmos and the stars, such as astronomy, physics, astrology, or who is interested in the subject using it as a kind of pastime or hobby. Electrical engineers, electricians and electrical technicians are also represented by the star, as well as other professions that are linked to electricity and energy as a whole. Famous people, celebrities or who hold some kind of social recognition are also great symbols of this card.

The Time in the Star card

This is a card that can represent a very diverse timeline, since, when associated with negative cards, it can symbolise delays caused by obstacles, indecision or unexpected situations. Because of this, events can occur from sixteen days to sixteen weeks or months.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Star spread?

  • What are the dreams and desires that move you?
  • Can you see the signs the universe sends you?
  • What can you do to stay motivated and move forward?
  • What is missing for you to achieve recognition and success?
  • How can you reach your goals?
  • Do you know how to regain your faith if you ever lose it?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Stork Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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