Categories: Lenormand

The Stork Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

The Stork is a card that represents change, expansion and movement. When it appears in a reading it is usually indicating that something important will happen with the power to make a 180 degree turn in life, putting out of it everything that is stagnant or will not bring any return. It is important to embrace these changes for your own growth and leave your comfort zone to benefit from all the positive energy that A stork provides.

As it traditionally has a strong connection with babies, there are chances of these changes coming from the increase in the family. Either through pregnancy or adoption. But this is a very specific reading and needs to be confirmed with the help of cards of support.

Even if it has a strong positive vibration, some changes may not be so welcome when the Stork card is close to others with negative energies. In this case it’s good to keep your eyes open and prepare for the unexpected.

Keywords of The Stork

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The stork, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: changes, migration, birth, transition, movement, metamorphosis, pregnancy, new cycle

The Stork Meaning

The Stork is a migratory bird and, like it, life invites you to explore new universes and allow yourself to expand your horizons. Of course, you don’t need to take this literally and travel the world, this expansion can happen within yourself, with new courses, make connections with people from other tribes and allow yourself to leave the comfort zone that you swear to do. good. It can be a very difficult task, but trust me, there will be no regrets. The stork is present to ensure this.

Of course, there is a possibility that this change is physical and a new place awaits you, but only if the other cards confirm this, as the stork is a card that carries much more spirituality than the literal sense.

Another important point symbolized by the Stork is the closure of cycles. With it, what was being built reaches its final apex and new things must be sought to renew airs, plans and goals. It is a road that closes to open so many others that must be trodden without fear. A new season begins.

And it should not be omitted to mention the strength of the popular meaning that surrounds the Stork. Responsible for being the one to take the babies to their families, here she will also play that role, announcing pregnancy or adoption. If any of these options are in your plans, then the answer is that they will come to fruition very soon.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Stork card appears in the spread to announce a new stage within the relationship. Changes such as marriage, engagement, living together and, mainly, increasing the family, are good news brought by her. Yes, there may be some changes that won’t be all that positive, but maybe you’re just not ready for them and not that they’re necessarily negative. Everything will be a matter of readjusting to new realities and embracing the unknown with positivity.

If you are going through a bad phase in your relationship, then the Stork will appear to alert you to what changes must take place to restore harmony and balance in that union. A change of attitude is the first step to being able to rescue what was so beautiful and perfect that you have already lived.

Often day-to-day coexistence makes the charm of first dates disappear like a cloud that dissipates in mid-air, but there are ways to not let that happen, and one of them is to show your partner how much you miss it . Don’t be afraid to be frank. Work together for a better relationship.

Taking a break can also be an option if you feel like the things you’re doing aren’t working. Sometimes, distance helps to organise thoughts and emotions, helping us to act with more certainty of what we want for ourselves within a relationship. And if in the meantime you realise that you don’t want to stay together anymore, there’s no problem with that. Now is the time to make decisions and close cycles that are not productive for your life.

If you are single, the moment is perfect to indulge in a new love. Taking a turn in your social life is a good option to meet that person who will make your heart beat faster again. Don’t be afraid to open up. Relationships that start under the power of the Stork have a great chance of working out.

Work and Career

New and irresistible opportunities. When the Stork card appears in a work and career reading, it gives us the magic of the moving wheel. Here, all the things that are stopped, for whatever reason, happen again, and new projects, activities and jobs explode like popcorn, appearing everywhere and illuminating the path to your career growth. But, you have to be aware, because this dynamic happens as fast as it disappears. Knowing the right moment to seize the opportunity is as, if not more, important than actually realising it.

This rising tide of possibilities may also introduce changes within the workspace. If you walk around with an idea planted within you regarding a change in career, sector, position or company, know that this move has everything to work out, if it is done.

Don’t wait too long to make the decision to renew your professional status. Take a deep breath, puff out your chest, lift your head and throw yourself into what you most want. Fears are natural and must exist to avoid falling into traps, but knowing how to control them is the key to not getting stuck in something unproductive and without expectations for the future. Own your future. Make it happen.

If you’re looking for a job, then smile. The Stork appears to bring with it the dreamed work, packed and firmly stuck in its beak to deliver to you. If you feel your actions aren’t working, why not switch tactics? Review your resume, take a free course that can add more value to it, look for new ways to delight recruiters. Don’t get stuck in time because you’re not working.

In relation to money, this card symbolises the entry of large amounts that were often not expected. Stay tuned for new negotiations and projects. This financial return may be linked to them.

Health and Wellness

The Stork is a card that calls for attention to silent diseases, especially those linked to the reproductive system and urinary tract. You may not even be feeling anything at the moment or even have a slight discomfort that will soon pass, especially if you are medicated with some kind of palliative medicine, but it is very important to keep up to date with exams and appointments with your doctor. Adding a visit to health professionals to your routine will be a great ally to avoid future unpleasant surprises.

If you are trying to get pregnant, be happy, because the Stork appears to say that everything will go as planned. Just keep keeping your head clear of external pressure on this conception and allow yourself to enjoy the moments together.

Now, if you are already pregnant and the Stork card is accompanied by negative cards, especially The Scythe, then you need to take extra care with the pregnancy. Be sure to attend prenatal appointments.

If you are facing any illness or undergoing prolonged treatments, know that this card symbolises a brief and, in many cases, definitive recovery.

  • Body parts connected to the card: arms, ovary, uterus, lower abdomen, legs.

The Stork meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the centre or first position in the nine-card spread, the Stork asks to be released from all the things that are fixing its feet where it is today. Even if it is less risky to remain in the comfort that has been created over the years, doing so will also be less rewarding, after all, the achievements are outside the box to be achieved and appreciated. By making the first liberation movement, new opportunities will appear and meaningful things will begin to be part of life, stirring to explore all the potential stored in it.

At the Grande Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, it symbolises concrete changes, such as changing homes and travelling to distant and unconventional places, which are about to happen and may change the course of plans, ideas and goals. , or more symbolic, such as a change in attitude and thinking. In any case, this change will be a very important watershed for growth and the future.

When away from the querent, the awaited changes will be delayed for reasons of force majeure or will not happen and, once they are carried out, they will not be of great depth or importance for life as a whole. Another important point to highlight is the lateral positioning of the card; when on the left it symbolises significant changes from the past, and on the right, changes that will happen.

Combinations with The Stork

The Stork is a very positive card and carries with it a symbology of good news and necessary changes in the consultant’s life. Her positivity is such that she doesn’t lose it, even when linked to negative cards. In this case, its strength is capable of neutralising or softening bad news and harmful events.

The Stork and The Ring

The union of these two cards rests on a reading of relationships. It can be loving, family or some kind of society, independent, they will always point to new things that are about to happen, or that are already in progress, and that have the power to change the course of that relationship for the better. If something doesn’t go well, then take advantage of the Stork joining with the ring to start pulling the strings and remove everything bad that is delaying you or harming the relationship. The time is to make way for the new.

The Stork and The Snake

The desire for change exists and all the chips have been bet on it, but the whole thing seems not to move forward. This happens when there are obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, such as small boulders that stop the wagon wheels and make it stuck in the middle of the road. These obstacles become very clear when the Stork card joins the Snake. Nothing but the monsters you create in your own mind. Either because of external voices or because of the fear of failure. It doesn’t matter. Here, it is necessary to begin to unwind from this animal that constantly tries to asphyxiate you and focus on what must really be done to achieve your goals.

The Stork – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Stork card

  • Element: Air
  • Mercury planet
  • Card: Queen of Cups
  • Astrological signs: Gemini
  • Number: 17 (seventeen)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The stork as a person

As a person, the Stork can symbolise someone with an energetic personality who is always looking for something new and refreshing, exploring possibilities and taking risks in the unknown. Because of this, others often see him as superior, snobbish, or cocky, especially if he posts a lot of pictures of his conquests on his social profiles. It can also represent someone who works with babies, such as a paediatrician, gynaecologist, midwife.

The Time in The Stork card

Normally, the cards in the Lenormand deck carry time based on their numbering as a card, but with the Stork, time passes differently and the seasons are like dividers between events. The period of nine months can also be the period stipulated for the events to occur, and this is due to the symbology of the Stork with pregnancy.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread The Stork

  • What can be done to get rid of what’s holding you back?
  • What areas of your life need a drastic change?
  • How to bring out a potential dormant by the inertia of events?
  • Are you open to the beginning of a new cycle?
  • Are you prepared for the changes ahead?
  • What are you avoiding, but should be done?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Dog  Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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