Categories: Lenormand

The Sun Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Sun is a card that brings great blessings to life. Success is something tangible and, even if it hasn’t happened yet, it is closer to happening than you might think, as this is the brightest card in the Lenormand deck and will always indicate accomplishments, achievements and the achievement of dreams and goals.

Any shadow that may be present along the way is dissipated by the light of the largest star in the solar system and, for this reason, the Sun card manages to nullify the strength of the negative energies of the other cards in the deck and reduce the strength of those that are extremely charged and aggressive and whose negativity cannot be annulled by any card.

Here, optimism is something that drives and gives the necessary strength to face any challenge, and it is a very welcome card for anyone who is facing some kind of problem in which resolution seems impossible.

Keywords of The Sun

To better understand the interpretations related to The Sun card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: happiness, recognition, good luck, victory, happiness, success, lightness, power, enlightenment, cordiality, fortune, abundance

The Sun – Meaning

The Sun is one of the most positive cards in the Lenormand deck. Endowed with a radiant and luminous energy, it portrays victory, happiness and success after a long journey. If you find yourself stuck on a road with thorns that bar your walk and stones that make you stumble at all times, know that the Sun card comes to light up your steps, transforming the thorns into beautiful flowers and removing all the obstacles that still remain. are in front of you. It’s like being inside a tunnel and finally finding the light that indicates its end. Therefore, despite the difficulties, it is important to remain true to yourself and your beliefs, keeping positivity and hope alive, as everything will work out at the end of the journey.

The success of the Sun card encompasses all areas of life. There is a balance here that was achieved with a lot of battle and sweat. A balance that is often unshakable in the face of any adversity, because you probably know how to separate the problems faced in one field of your life from others, not letting things take on a greater proportion than they actually have. This awareness of yours allows you to keep everything aligned and the conquest of an area contemplates all the others through this alignment.

Despite this undeniable strength emanated by its positive energy, it is necessary to realize that the negativity of other cards will not always be erased by the Sun, but rather softened, in order to have its strength almost extinguished.

Thus, if the support cards are negative, the dark moments may be present for a while, but they will be fleeting or they will not have the strength to destroy the joy that the Sun card symbolizes. In other words, even if there are situations in your life that make you sad or seem to have no solution, know that soon you will be able to get around the situation and breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s good to remember that the Sun card is the card of conquest, so if you’re thinking of starting something new, changing paths or, simply, a strategy to achieve some goal and dream, know that the moment is very propitious, because your conscience will be more awake, ready to help you make the right choices.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Sun card presents a harmonious, happy and fun relationship. You are on the same wavelength and are together in the construction of your story, without transposing your individual desire on the other. This does not mean that you cancel each other out, on the contrary, you manage to be who you are in the presence of your partner and joint choices always take into account what is best individually, but do not impose them.

This is a union sealed by the sun’s energy, a hot energy that provokes passion, seduction and sensuality, so the moment becomes perfect to surrender to each other completely, without fear of judgement. Take advantage of this energy to explore your fantasies and renew the complicity and connection that already exists between you and which is as strong as the midday sun in midsummer.

On the other hand, this card can indicate a relationship that is getting lost in a tiring routine. You may be feeling lacking in affection and love and not being able to show it to your partner, swallowing this lack with excuses for yourself. If you feel that your partner is distancing himself from you, because instead of waiting for him to realize this and dedicate himself to your relationship again, you don’t awaken this in him? Harness the energy of the Sun and invest in both of you. Show him that he needs your affection by giving him love.

If you are single, you are completely enveloped in the aura of sensuality that emanates from this card, and those around you can see this very well. Take advantage of this awakened sensuality and allow yourself to explore new paths. Don’t stick to the need to find the love of your life, he will appear at the right time.

Work and Career

The Sun card appears to illuminate all paths that lead to work and career. Projects, activities and everything that is in motion at that moment, are heading towards a successful conclusion and that generate ripe, juicy and perfect fruits.

You knew how to dedicate yourself in the right measure, chose what would best add to your work and rolled up your sleeves when many were giving up on continuing. His persistence and courage to solve problems and bring innovative solutions did not go unnoticed, as, in addition to yielding the desired achievements, they also provided him with new opportunities.

You are in a period of such vitality that your energy infects those around you and creates a harmonious bond that can only benefit everyone. It’s as if your personal glow emanates from within you and illuminates every corner of your room, involving everyone without distinction, making everyone vibrate at the same frequency.

Now, if you feel that all this energy from the Sun does not match your current situation and you find yourself in a moment so surrounded by problems that it seems that the only solution is to sit in a corner and cry, then perhaps it is time to eradicate this negative energy that comes from victimism and see these problems as steps to mature within your area.

Yes, nobody wants to solve cucumbers at work, those giants then… but if it weren’t for solving them, why would you be hired? Realise that if these problems come to you, it’s because you have full capacity to solve them. Believe in your potential and use them as a way to show what you came for.

If you are looking for a job, the Sun card appears to advise you to use your creativity more to return to the job market. You will only be able to stand out among so many candidates when you allow your personal shine to prevail over them. Change strategies, redesign your resume and enhance your knowledge with courses that add market value. Don’t sit around waiting to be chosen.

Health and wellness

If you are facing any illness, the Sun card symbolises a good recovery, even if the treatment lasts longer than expected. Sometimes, we have so many expectations about new treatments and medications that are prescribed by our health professional, that we end up frustrated with the waiting time to see the results. Which is extremely normal.

The important thing is to realise that time is also one of the factors that help the treatment to be successful. So don’t let yourself be slaughtered by this wait so you don’t end up being tempted to give up. The Sun card is clear about recovery, it happens, but it’s up to you to stay positive, maintain your strength and faith, for your mind to help your body establish health again.

On the other hand, if you are in good health, you need to be careful. Because it represents the Sun itself, this card warns of problems related to it. They can be skin problems caused by excessive sun exposure such as burns, blemishes and even skin cancer, or low immunity problems caused by lack of exposure, which leads to the deficiency of important vitamins to the body such as vitamin D. , it is important to know how to measure this time of exposure to the sun, so as not to end up bearing the consequences of this lack of balance later.

  • Body parts connected to the card: eyes, skin, solar plexus.

The Sun meaning according to the position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine card spread, the Sun card points to achievements and achievements of projects and activities that are in full development. Even if things are more obscure and seem to have no solution, promising endings are about to happen and the objectives will be successfully achieved. Here, any question asked presents a positive return, with “yes” being the most appropriate answer for any situation that involves overcoming and solving a specific problem.

On the Grand Tableau, regardless of the position of the Sun card, it will always symbolise happiness. What happens during this type of reading is the intensity with which this feeling will be present in the querent’s life. Thus, the closer the card is to the querent, the more intense this happiness will be, being diminished as the card moves away from him.

Another important point in reading this card in the Royal Table is related to its position in relation to the cards that have negative energies. When the Sun card is to the right of this type of card, it will symbolise the end of some fight that has been going on for some time. Already on the left side, it can symbolise the arrival of some difficulties in the consultant’s life that appear after a period of complete happiness.

Combinations with The Sun

This is a very positive card, and this positivity is such that it manages to reduce any negative energy that may appear in the reading brought by the cards of support. Even if the Sun card doesn’t have the power to completely extinguish this negativity, the relief is instantaneous, and what could become an earthquake in life becomes a small tremor barely felt.

The Sun and The Clouds

This union of cards can bring two different readings. The first reading demonstrates that the discernment that something must be done to change a given situation is present. There is greater clarity about what is shaking the structures of your life and preventing you from progressing. You realise what’s wrong and can thus think of possible solutions. Know that this step taken is the most important to get around what is blocking your path. You know what to do and you have the tools to do it.

On the other hand, this whole discernment does not exist. You have become completely blind to the whole situation and because of the pessimism that surrounds you, you cannot see that the solution to your problems is right in front of you. It’s like you’ve projected a fog before your eyes. You need to urgently open your eyes and start seeing resolutions for what ails you. Don’t let hopelessness dominate you, you have full capacity to improve your path.

The Sun and The Fish

The Sun card aligned with the Pisces card symbolises abundance in all its forms, especially financial. The Sun illuminates all areas of your life and that initial achievement that started in a single point, spreads out, completely embracing your path. Projects and plans achieve success and happiness is already something that can be felt in gigantic doses. Everything that was keeping you from thriving is removed from your path and wealth is tangible. You knew how to take advantage of the many opportunities that arose for you, you were not shaken by the challenges and difficulties and now you can take advantage of the return that your success has represented.

The Sun – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Sun card

  • Element: Fire
  • planet: Sun
  • Card: Ace of Diamonds
  • Astrological signs: Leo
  • Number: 31 (thirty-one)
  • Positive/Negative: Positive

The Sun as a Person

As a person, the Sun card can represent someone who is cheerful, fun and always has the energy up there. They are people who radiate light wherever they enter and attract attention and attention. Just like the big star Sun, they are the center of everything they are involved in, and when they are not, they do everything to reach that level. Narcissistic and spoiled people are also represented by this card, as well as people who are always ready to remove a friend from the shadows who governs sadness with the energy of their positivity.

The Weather on The Sun card

The Sun card is a card that brings a reasonable amount of time for things to happen, as it will depend on how the situation is going as a whole. If the clouds are sparse in the sky of life, events tend to occur in a short period of time, otherwise, and the sky is very busy, it may take a few months. Normally, this card indicates the season of the year that governs summer to symbolize the period when things will actually happen, and this is also the most favorable period to start something new.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Sun spread?

  • What makes you really happy?
  • Do you believe in your own success?
  • Can you harness all the inner power you have?
  • What can you do to light up what is trapped in darkness?
  • Are you being bold in your choices?
  • What can you do to become more confident about your potential?
  • Can you envision success coming your way?
  • Are you allowing yourself to shine?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Moon Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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