The Tower Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Just as the Tower is a pompous, imposing and grandiose building, your card can represent organisations and institutions that are in some way important and politically oriented, or presided over by authoritarian and powerful people. Its meaning symbolises authority and superior leadership. All types of matters involving someone or some governmental organisation, legal or legalisation of something will be governed by this card.

Its symbology can also be aimed at something deeper, such as the spiritual and non-earthly side, indicating protection and guidance. It’s about reaching the top and achieving ambitions and desires.

Keywords of The Tower

To better understand the interpretations related to the playing card The Tower, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: authority, government, solitude, isolation, organisations, prominence, independence, ego, arrogance, grandiosity

The Tower Meaning

The Tower card is a card that carries positivity and negativity in its essence, as it will depend on the attitudes you will have towards a certain subject for it to acquire the energy that characterises it. In most readings, it is possible to know this energy in advance through the support cards, which will help a lot to decipher what they have to bring with them in their symbology, but, once again, they have the ability to transmute this energy as needed. real consultant

A very clear example is when we look at its earth plane meaning. Just as a large tower in the middle of a castle can bring two different sensations, in your reading the same happens. Imagine yourself in front of a tower how small and helpless you can feel in the face of so much austerity, you can choose to continue feeling that way, accept the fact that there is authority over you and there is nothing you can do to change this hierarchy, or you can move around inside the castle, climb its stairs and reach the top of the tower.

When we are faced with obstacles in our lives, we can choose to stop in front of them and accept defeat, or move forward, fighting with all the strength we have, overcoming each challenge until we reach what we want. Success is something tangible in the Tower card, but it will only come true if you are aware of how hard you will have to fight to achieve it. Depending solely on you.

Now, imagine yourself inside this tower, like a fort built to protect the castle from invasions, you can feel very safe being there, at the top, above everything and everyone. But, just as the top guarantees you stability in many aspects of your life, it can also distance you from what is really important to make you happy.

When you’re at the top it’s all too easy to look down and feel omnipotent and forget how much help you’ve had from others to get you there. No one reaches the top alone and that’s a fact. Knowing how to recognize this is what will prevent the ego from dominating your feelings and pushing you away from everyone, making you someone bitter, lonely and unhappy. These two perspectives cited here are what form the basis for all the meanings of the Tower card.

In a more traditional reading, in a more tangible way, the meaning of the Tower can be linked to something related to the government, financial institutions, and important organizations that stand out due to their authority. Any type of subject related to bureaucracy will be present when reading this card.

Already in a psychic reading, it can demonstrate the need to seek help in some religious organization or institution or that works directly with the spiritual world. It also shows that your guides or authorities behind the veil are attentive to your needs and ready to assist you on your path. Therefore, you don’t need to be afraid of failing, because if you keep your faith, nothing will be impossible to achieve.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Tower card shows a relationship that is going through some kind of difficulty. Most likely, what is happening is that there is no dialogue between you and your partner and many of the problems that could be easily solved end up being left behind, increasing and becoming something difficult to solve and more monstrous than it was there at the beginning. .

There may be a fear between you of facing the challenges that every relationship faces, fear of talking to your partner about what is not working out between you, talking about likes, wants, desires, everything that you want for your relationship, but that, for some reason, is not reaching.

We often annul ourselves in order not to make the other person suffer or because we believe that satisfying the other’s desires is what will bring the happiness that you seek so much for yourself, but acting like this does not help at all, on the contrary, moving away from yourself and what you are, consequently distances you from those you love.

If your partner is a person of authority who ends up dictating the rules of this union all the time, molding you into what he believes to be the ideal partner, perhaps the best thing to do at the moment is to step away to recover who you are and regain your awareness of your own desires to only then sit down and talk to him, put the cards on the table and show that to stay together he must start loving you for what you are and not for what you can become within your idealization.

If you are single, the moment is not one of great love expectations, as you are not really ready to embark on a new romance. You need to reconnect with your essence, an essence that, for some reason, ended up missing in past relationships. Hurts and sadness from these relationships also consume you and prevent you from being fully open to new love. Until you heal the still open wounds, you won’t be able to live intensely the happiness that is in store for you. So free yourself and love yourself, only then will you be able to give yourself completely to someone else.

Work and Career

The Tower is a card that symbolizes power and authority. Therefore, it can represent the place where you work or people in a higher hierarchy, such as presidents, directors and people connected to the financial area and for whom you provide services, in this case it will be necessary to consult the cards of support to know what exactly it wants say about these people and their work as a whole in relation to the company.

If you own your own business then that is what is being symbolized here, and usually the Tower represents paperwork or taxes that you have to deal with and are procrastinating for some reason. You have to be careful not to end up in bad shape and get everything up to date, especially if you have a permit pending approval or about to undergo some expertise. Keep your business within the law and with everything up to date so you don’t end up losing it.

If the Tower is symbolizing yourself, it could show a lack of drive or encouragement within your career. You may be going through a moment within your sector or company where you no longer feel motivated to continue. You have to innovate in some way to get out of this state of inertia you’ve sunk into and not let it become a major frustration in your career.

It is not necessary to change jobs, but perhaps it is necessary to change the focus within it, aiming for new positions and embracing new projects can be the best way to revive that desire to move forward. But, if you realize that there is nothing more that you can add to your life within your current job, starting to think about a plan B within your career can be a good idea, but make sure you already have something concrete in mind before doing so. to resign, so as not to have regrets.

If you are unemployed, the message here is not to give up. It may still take a while to get something more fixed, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be out of work in the meantime. Working in temporary jobs can be an alternative to not being cramped in the meantime.

Health and Wellness

In a health and well-being reading, the Tower is a card that carries different symbologies, so it will depend a lot on the current health situation you are facing to get a more accurate reading. cards of support can help a lot at this time.

If you are facing any health problem and undergoing specific treatments, Torre alerts you to a time of hospitalisation or rest that is extremely necessary for a positive recovery. Most likely, this recovery will take a long time, and it is necessary to persist in procedures and guidelines given by the doctor in charge to finally achieve it. In case of doubts regarding the treatment, a second opinion is welcome, as long as it is someone you can trust, as everything indicates that the person in charge is taking the best path to find a cure.

If the problem faced is emotional, caused mainly by everyday stress, the chances of evolving into some psychological illness, such as depression, anxiety and panic syndrome, are great. Seeking help from specialists or someone to listen to you is a step that must be taken to prevent this evolution into a major illness.

Now, if your health is up to date, then the Tower appears in the spread to warn about problems involving bad posture or work problems caused by the repetition of movements in your work. Special attention is needed if you spend a lot of time sitting or standing. Exercising and stretching from time to time can help you avoid future illnesses.

On the other hand, this card can indicate solidity in the situation of good health. Not representing any kind of concern or illness. Anyway, it’s always good to pay attention to the little signs of your body, it will know how to show you when something is not right.

  • Body parts connected to the card: spine, spine, back

The Tower meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the Tower symbolises the message that there are no shortcuts that can be given to achieve goals and fulfil desires. The entire path must be taken with commitment and dedication, even if there are many obstacles and challenges to be faced, because it is clear here that without them there is no effective achievement. The Tower also foreshadows long-term commitments that are announced to be assumed very soon. These are commitments that require dedication and responsibility on the part of all those involved and may be related to governmental institutions and organisations.

On the Grande Tableau, when the card is close to the querent, the Tower brings two readings, one of which concerns the querent’s health and predicts good improvement, in case of treatments and old illnesses, and long and healthy life for everyone, regardless of their current situation. The other points to the protection of the spirit world. The consultant’s spiritual guides and greater powers are beside him and guiding his steps along the best path, so it is important to keep faith, especially in the face of some obstacle or problem. When away from the consultant, this card can symbolise diseases that are difficult to treat and that need greater attention so as not to evolve into negative forms too quickly.

Combinations with The Tower

The Tower is a mutable card, that is, its correct reading will depend a lot on the supporting cards, which can be positive or negative. This happens, because all the symbolism of this card carries both types of energy with it, and can point to bad or good things in the consultant’s life and, most of the time, his actions will guide this card.

The Tower and the Garden

A beautiful garden only flourishes when good seeds are planted in its soil, and so it is in life. When we plant good things within ourselves, the harvest of life will be the best possible, so it is necessary to pay attention to what you are nurturing inside, not allowing external things and people to undermine you with negative energies. Don’t wait for others to choose what’s best for your garden, only you will know what to plant for what you want to reap. Perhaps isolating yourself from the world is the best way to reconnect with yourself.

The Tower and The Clouds

You are going through conflicting moments with yourself and you cannot calm your mind and heart. These conflicts are generating bad feelings within you that can end up turning into serious psychological illnesses, such as anxiety, depression and panic syndrome. You need to get out of that isolation you put yourself in, break the communication barriers and open up to someone you trust and get out everything that is agonizing in your chest. Seeking help from a professional might be the best path for you right now.

The Tower – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Tower playing card

  • Element: Air, Fire
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Card: Six of Swords
  • Astrological signs: Capricorn
  • Number: 19 (nineteen)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Tower as a person

As a person, A Torre can represent someone who works for the government, with bureaucratic matters or in an institution linked to the area of ​​legalisation. It can also be someone with a high position or who accumulates many responsibilities within the work they do. Independent people, with individualistic, snobby personalities or who are guided by their own ego, are also symbolised by this card, as well as great leaders – religious or not – wise and teachers.

The Time in the card The Tower

The Tower is a long-term card. It’s no use looking forward to solving a problem for yesterday, if this card appears in the reading, you’ll need to be patient to wait for things to walk in due time. Here, events can occur within 19 weeks or months.

Questions to Ask When Appearing in The Tower

  • How can I connect with my spirit guides for protection?
  • Do you push people away from you by building walls around you?
  • Are you acting with conscience or being guided by your own ego?
  • Who is in authority among you?
  • Do you have the necessary patience to wait for the problem to be resolved?
  • What are you protecting yourself from?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Garden Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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