The Tower Tarot Card Meaning – Love, Money, Career, and Health

The Tower (XVI) tarot card is Major Arcana’s sixteenth card. It represents an unforeseen catastrophe or the destruction of old ideas. It turns around the very foundations where your opinions and beliefs once stood, bringing chaos and distress. This, of course, makes the Tower one of the less aspired cards to receive in a Tarot reading.

When the Tower tarot card does appear, expect the unexpected – massive change, outbreak, destruction, and chaos. You will have to shake off the past, which may mean losing money, security, or short-term happiness. But despite the drama that comes with this card, you can also take advantage of the emerging change. The downfall of the Tower opens up an empty lot for something new to build on. 

Tower tarot card visual depiction and symbolism

The tower tarot card depicts a frantic scene of chaos and destruction. In its center, a tall tower on rocky grounds seems to be cracking from its foundations. A bolt of lightning strikes its tip, lighting fires and sending its crown and a couple of figures falling from the Tower. 

  • The striking lightning represents an unexpected rush of energy and insight that leads to a revelation.
  • Although the Tower is made of rocks, it takes merely a bolt of lightning to bring it crumbling down. This is a representation of false premises and the importance of having a solid foundation to build on. 
  •  The falling crown symbolizes materialistic thought being bought cheap.

The most disturbing scene is the falling desperate couple. It is clear that total destruction is imminent, and there is no turning back. There are 22 flames around the falling characters, representing the 12 signs of the zodiac and 10 points of the Tree of Life, suggesting that there is always divine intervention, even in disastrous times.

The Tower Keywords

Let’s look at its keywords before continuing to more profound meanings of the Tower tarot card. 

Upright Keywords: Sudden change, Turmoil, Destruction, Trauma

Reversed Keywords: Delaying the inevitable, Resisting change, Avoiding disaster

Let’s now advance into the Tower tarot card meanings in love, relationships, career, and health. 

The Tower meaning

When the Tower tarot card shows up in a reading, it represents a significant change that takes us by surprise. Although the card’s scenery is quite tragic, the change that follows the Tower does not have to be something terrible. Change itself is a normal part of life that one can embrace. 

But it can sometimes strike fear, for it means that we must abandon the truths and ways that we have known before this event. The old ways are no longer practical, and you must find and learn another set of beliefs, values, and processes to take their place. Be positive. It is time for you to replace the ancient foundations of the past with something that is more genuine and will serve you better in what is to come.

Love and Relationship

With love and relationships, The Tower tarot card signals fundamental changes coming your way. It could predict the ending of a friendship or a breakup of a relationship. The conclusion is often connected to the betrayal of some kind and truth being uncovered. Hurt, anger, emotional meltdowns are often part of the process with the Tower card. While the experience is initially painful, this suffering clears away the road for new and exciting experiences. 

In a less dramatic depiction, the Tower can also indicate a fundamental change in your perspective and understanding of what love means to you. You may be able to see the flaws in your current beliefs on love and take action before the whole structure comes tumbling down. This way, seeing the Tower tarot card is an opportunity to break free from the old ways of thinking and grow into a better version of yourself. 

Money and Career

In a career context, something that will cause a change is bound to happen. The Tower may indicate that there will be some sort of a conflict in your work environment. This is the time when you need to be in control of your emotions. Avoid saying something that may cause friction or even hurt someone.  

A change might also take place in your current position. This can be a redundancy or job loss, but it can also mean just change within your work environment. Initially, this change will bring unwelcome stress for most people. Still, with a positive outlook, you can be the one finding yourself in a better position ultimately. Seeing this card is always an opportunity to construct something better where your old structure held.

The Tower, in its most dramatic interpretation, speaks of disaster. This may mean unwelcome surprises that can create a sudden loss of resources. Knowing this might be wise to save up some in the coming months to avoid a catastrophe if the worst-case scenario comes to a realization.

Health and Spirituality 

In health-related readings, the Tower indicates a sudden illness or an accident, so be attentive to your well-being in the coming months. While these issues are rarely easy, the ones following the Tower are usually followed by a period of rejuvenation. Health problems can trigger a change in your lifestyle and thinking that will ultimately prove to be for your best. 

Spiritually the Tower can be a powerful card. It is often by experiencing change, you will grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient. You will develop new perspectives that you didn’t know existed. It’s in these moments that we can find spiritual growth and enlightenment. The bold recognition of the truth will lead to a positive change, even if pain and anxiety are the process’s initial experiences.

The Tower reversed meaning. 

When the Tower is reversed, it also brings forth a significant change. But this time it is different. The change is not caused by an external force but by force within. This type of change will rarely happen rapidly without you having internal battles against it. The time ahead will call you to question your entire belief systems, values, purpose, and meaning. 

However, you will eventually realize that the only way forward is to allow the change to happen. The Tower is destined to come down. Initially, the change will be uncomfortable, but the struggle and contemplation will make us stronger and bring us back to balance. So don’t take this as a dramatic change but as a chance to grow.

Love and Relationship

The Tower reversed can signify that you are going through an internal battle. Oftentimes this is a fight between feelings, rationale, and fear that involves ending a relationship. Eventually, you will come to the realization that the only way for you to move forward is to face the issues that are holding you back. If you are not true to yourself, you are also not faithful to your partner. In the long run, this will cause much more pain than facing the truth here and now. 

The Tower reversed can also signify that you are stalling or avoiding dealing with your past breakup. While it may feel easier and more comfortable to sweep the pain away and pretend it is not there. This can prevent you from moving forward with your love life. You need to stop running from this and process the experience. You will come out stronger and wiser out of it. If this doesn’t resonate, the reversed Tower can also be a sign of an unhealthy relationship avoided.  

Money and Career

The Tower reversed can also be seen as a card that wakes us up from our bubble and calls for us to think about what we want and value. Are you doing what you like, and are you feeling like you are in the right place? Too often, we get lazy and comfortable with the situation we are in. We settle for things that are not really making us happy. This card may help us see the change required and widen our vision of all other things that are out there for us. 

Concerning money, the Tower reversed might insinuate that it may be better to lick your wounds and move on. For instance, if you’ve made bad investments and are causing you distress, you may be wiser to sell and accept a loss. Sometimes purchases with too big partial payments are these. Learn from your past mistakes and always keep your finances in balance. 

Health and Spirituality 

The Tower reversed might suggest that you may be ignoring an illness or a warning sign of a condition by trusting it will pass. Remember that health is not one to play a guessing game with, and therefore you should face the issue and give yourself the best odds to beat it. If you ever suspect anything, consult your doctor as soon as possible. 

In the spiritual context, the reversed Tower tarot card can be an enlightening card. You may have come to the realization that the old beliefs are not serving you anymore. It is natural to have a tough time letting them go, but trust your intuition and let it process little by little. In the end, it will be for the best. This change will take you on a path to transformation, so you can be an evolved version of yourself in the end. 

The Tower yes or no 

The Tower tarot card represents an unforeseen catastrophe or the destruction of old ideas. When the Tower tarot card does appear in a yes or no reading, you will have to expect that things will not happen as you expected. Therefore the Tower leans more heavily on “No.” However, its appearance doesn’t always mean the final result won’t be achieved, but that there will be challenges along the way that will test your perseverance. 

The Tower tarot card Combinations

Let’s examine some exciting tarot card combinations with the Tower. When combined with other cards, the Tower brings an unexpected element that will shake the grounds of any issue at hand. 

The Tower and the Chariot

The Tower brings forth fundamental change into your life. Often the change involves some sort of emotional or even physical pain to get over. Then again, the Chariot is about overcoming conflicts and heading towards a positive direction. Seeing these two in the same reading carries a very comforting message. By seeing change as an opportunity to grow will take you on a path to completion. 

The Tower and the Fool

The Fool is a card of new beginnings and leaps of faith. Combined with the Tower is not the most encouraging sight you want to see. Again it comes down to perspectives. New beginnings are rarely easy, and often, the way forward will be filled with overcoming challenges. It is how you tackle these challenges and keep up the belief in yourself.  

The Tower and the Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups is a very desired card when it comes to love and relationships. If it follows the Tower, you are in luck. Your foundations may have shattered to the ground, but they will make room for fantastic new encounters. If the Ace of Cups is followed by the Tower, the road ahead won’t be as fairytale-like as you would wish for. But this doesn’t mean that the relationship is doomed. It will change the way you see and understand love and therefore tying you even closer together. 

The Tower – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Tower tarot card.

  • Element: 
  • Planet: 
  • Astrology: 
  • Key dates: 

The Tower tarot card as a personality

They are often charismatic and tall. It can represent a person who will change your understanding of the world. They can also be a bit fast-tempered, with moods coming and going. Their temper seems to blaze out of nowhere yet pass as promptly as it entered.

The Tower tarot card as feelings

The Tower is often seen as a negative card with feelings like anxiety, sorrow, and discouragement connected to it. It definitely isn’t all joyous cards in the short term, but it can also fundamentally change our perception of things. This can, in the long run, bring feelings of achievement, overcoming challenges, and happiness. 

General questions of the Tower tarot card

Finally, let’s gather some general questions that are associated with the Devil tarot card. 

What does the Tower tarot card mean?

The Tower tarot card represents an unexpected disaster or the destruction of old beliefs. It flips the very foundations where your opinions and beliefs once stood. 

What does the Tower tarot card reversed mean?

The Tower tarot card reversed means a change from within. It will be met with a lot of resistance, but inevitably, you will accept it. 

What does the Tower tarot card mean in a love reading?

The Tower in tarot love reading often predicts the end of something. At least events and challenges that will fundamentally change the relationship. If you can overcome them, your relationship can become even more durable. 

Is Tower a Yes or No tarot card? 

Due to its dramatic effects and short-term chaos, the Tower leans more towards “No” in Yes or No related inquiries. 

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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