The Tree is a card of prosperity, stability, growth and satisfactory returns. Everything that has been worked on so far, with a lot of discipline, dedication and effort, begins to generate wonderful results and this can be seen in all areas of life. The results are tangible and guarantee a solid base to continue treading the path safely and comfortably.
It is a card with so much positive energy that it is able to neutralise any other that has negativity. But, attention is needed when the sector in question is the health area, because, if aligned with negative cards, in addition to not neutralising them, it can point to some problem in sight.

Keywords of The Tree
To better understand the interpretations related to The Tree card , we will list the keywords related to it.
Keywords: growth, health, prosperity, effort, abundance, spirituality, karma, inner connection, vitality, balance, stability
The Tree Meaning
The Tree is a card that you should pay close attention to when reading it, as it has different meanings and energies, especially when it is related to the health area. One of the main interpretations has a connection with the family in every sense of this word, including those people we don’t know, but were essential parts for us to be here today, our ancestors.
The strong roots of the tree show us the importance of appreciating the customs, traditions and cultures that have been passed down to us as part of our identity as a whole. If you feel disconnected from your family, for whatever reason, take the time to regain those bonds and rebuild what was lost. Keeping this foundation firm is very important so that other areas of your life don’t crumble.
Just as the roots show the great importance of linking the past with the future, they also point to past events that are only beginning to show results today. Maybe you haven’t realized it, but much of what you are reaping today is not the result of chance, but of a dedicated, hardworking and precise work that you had some time ago.
Another very strong interpretation is related to health and well-being. It takes a lot of attention so that there is a correct interpretation, because, depending on your position in the spread and the support cards, it can bring more or less negativity.
On the one hand, it can symbolize that you are taking care of yourself and with healthy habits, which leads you to peace of mind about your health, but on the other hand, it can indicate sloppiness or neglect with yourself. In this case, you need to review your habits so you don’t end up being affected by an illness that could very well have been avoided if you paid more attention to your body, mind and spirit. Predictions can also relate to someone else.
Love and Relationship
If you are in a relationship, the Tree represents a very strong connection with your partner from past lives. The love you feel for each other is pure and true and you are very concerned about the well being of the other without wanting to ask for anything in return. Respect, complicity and partnership are some of the many qualities that surround this union, making it lasting and strong enough to face any kind of misfortune that may come your way.
On the other hand, it could indicate a relationship that ended up falling into the same routine. If this is the case, you need to review the way you are acting, take time to enjoy the two of you and, above all, rescue the feelings that made you stay together for so long. Leaving the comfort zone, travelling, having a picnic, spicing things up between four walls is what will rekindle the flame of passion between you.
This card can also indicate how your partner’s health is. When she appears surrounded by cards full of negativity, she shows the beginning of an illness or an accident that will have a bad impact on her partner’s life and he will need a lot of your support and affection to be able to get through this storm. If surrounded by positive cards, health is balanced and you are on the right path in terms of physical and mental.
If you are single, take the time to go out and meet new people. Don’t be afraid to open yourself up to love, even if you have suffered in your past relationships, as it is closer than you think and ready to flood your life with light feelings and inspiring moments. If you allow yourself, it will be a lasting relationship.
Work and Career
The Tree card is a card that symbolizes the fruits that are harvested after long sowing and care, however, when it comes to work and career, it indicates that there is still a little bit left for this harvest to actually happen. It will take patience to reach the final success of any activity or project that is in progress, as it is still necessary to tie up some loose ends and review certain repetitive patterns that are present and can be harmful to the finalisation as a whole.
At this moment, things are developing at full speed and stopping the mill in the middle of the movement believing that it has managed to produce all the possible grains is the big mistake here, mainly because some rewards can already be felt, but there is still much more to be conquered and continuing to work hard and with determination is what will lead to absolute success in the end.
In the financial field, it is possible to see stability achieved through a lot of planning and strategy. It may be that there are still some debts or bottlenecks that must be stopped, the work continues, but there is already a certain respite. Most likely there is still no money left over for futile things here, so keep striving to remain balanced and soon you will be able to feel the reward of your effort.
Health and Wellness
When related to health, the Tree card is always a request to pay attention. Depending on the cards that accompany it, it can point to long-term illnesses and diseases or that have more complicated or boring treatments. If this is the case, it is necessary to remain calm and calm to strictly follow all medical guidelines, as keeping a healthy and positive mind is what will help you to go through the storm that plagues you.
Now, if it’s someone close who is suffering from harm, be the strong foundation of this person. Support her, deliver all the positivity the universe can offer and help her through this moment. Be the strength and faith she needs.
In case you are not facing any health problems and consider that your body and mind are healthy, this card asks you to reflect on whether you are really taking care of yourself with complete dedication and zeal. Are you practising physical exercises regularly? Do you have a balanced diet? Are you taking time to meditate and care for your spirit? If some of the answers are no, then start to rethink your habits, because thinking that you are fine for not feeling anything is like opening a door and allowing the disease, however small it may be, to enter and settle. Don’t pay to see.
- Body parts connected to the card: respiratory system.
The Tree meaning according to your position in the spread
When in first position in the nine-card spread, the Tree asks for a moment of contemplation within ourselves. It’s time to stop and centre our thoughts before acting so we don’t end up changing our feet for hands. Knowing exactly where you want to go and what you want with the steps being taken is what will guide you to prosperity.

In the central position and in other positions this card symbolizes abundance and prosperity accompanied by spiritual and earthly growth. The maturation of the mind is what will help you in the search for dreams and new achievements, creating perspectives that are different from the usual ones. A maturation able to show the importance of not dwelling on problems or stop fighting after the first conquests for pure convenience. Life is a wheel and, like it, it must always be kept running, even if you believe you have achieved supreme glory.
On the Grand Tableau, the Tree represents the health of the querent. The closer this card is to him, the more he should be aware of problems related to his physical and mental well-being. Even though it is a positive card, it cannot, here, neutralise the negative ones, so, for a better reading, it is necessary to consult the supporting cards. The more negative they are, the more attention should be paid. When the Tree is positioned far from the querent, it represents health that is still recovering or without many problems, and may even symbolize good health when accompanied by positive cards.
Combinations with The Tree
The Tree is a card that is greatly influenced by the cards around it, depending on the type of spread being used at the time of its reading. She is able to neutralize negative cards or weaken them when in a nine-card spread, however, in the Great Tableau, she suffers an overwhelming influence from these, turning into something bad or worrying. Therefore, attention is needed to the type of reading and area to which it refers before determining its meaning.
The Tree and The Clouds
The combination of these two cards points to uncertainties involving some illness that lasts too long. It is something serious and that compromises health in such a way that it is necessary to move away from some common activities for not being able to carry them out. Problems involving the mind are also pointed out when the Tree meets the Clouds in the spread. Illnesses known as Evil of the Century, such as depression, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, develop very quickly here and need total attention in order to provide adequate treatment.
The Tree and The Child
The birth of a healthy and vital child is about to happen, bringing joy and renewal into the home. It can also represent the announcement of a pregnancy or the expansion of the family through a new member who arrives to provide magical and incredible moments for everyone. In terms of health, it can symbolize easy-to-treat childhood illnesses or minor problems involving a family member, but nothing serious or lasting, even so, medical advice must always be followed.
The Tree – Element, Astrology and other associations
Here are some of the common associations with The Tree card
- Element: Earth
- Planet: Saturn
- Card: Seven of Cups
- Astrological signs: Capricorn
- Number: 5 (five)
- Positive/Negative: Positive
The Tree as a Person
The person represented by the Tree is usually someone who has great financial or emotional stability or good health. It can also symbolize a person who works directly with patients, helping with their healing, such as doctors, nurses, holistic therapists, physiotherapists and other health professionals, as well as professions related to nature such as planting, agriculture or environmental conservation.
The time in The Tree card
Just like nature, the Tree card is a very variable card in relation to its time. On the one hand, it can symbolize a short period of time symbolized in its natural mutation related to the seasons, where everything changes in a few months or even weeks. In this sense, things can occur to the querent in 5 days, 5 weeks or even 5 months.
Now, when the realization is linked to its deep roots and which take time to become established, then we can count on a longer space, reaching five years. This delay can be confirmed with the cards that surround it, like the anchor and the mountain, for example.
Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the tree card?
- Am I up to date with my health?
- What can this really help me with?
- Am I listening to my inner self when making decisions?
- What does my inner self have to tell me?
- How can this help me in my evolution and maturation?
- How can I make connections with other people?
- How long has this been going on?
Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Clouds Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond