Categories: Lenormand

The Whip Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

When the Whip is raised over the air, it descends with the intensity of a thousand thunderbolts, hitting everything around it without pity or mercy. The violence with which he throws himself on the universe brings disastrous and unfortunate consequences for life, leading him to be swallowed by feelings and emotions that are difficult to deal with, such as fear, hatred and disappointment, fruits of misunderstandings, fights, hurts and arguments caused by differing opinions or simple feelings of guilt.

Guilt, by the way, is a strong constant in this card, and it is the guilt that is thrown onto the shoulders of others without restrictions or discernment, for mistakes that are committed and cannot be admitted. However, not everything is dark. Some positive cards are able to mitigate the extreme negativity that The Whip carries with it, especially those that are positioned around it.

Keywords of The Whip

To better understand the interpretations related to the card The Whip, let’s list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: conflict, arguments, challenge, discussions, opposition, anger, hate, hurt, punishment, violence, objection, scolding, discord, tension, antipathy

The Whip Meaning

The Whip is a naturally negative card and it brings with it the destructive force that unresolved conflicts can bring to life. Arguments, fights, physical and verbal aggression are signaled when this card appears in the spread and you have to pay attention not to getting involved in problems that don’t belong to you just for the appeal of making yourself useful or protecting someone who knows how to protect yourself very well. Wanting to solve issues that don’t concern you can end up bringing unnecessary problems into your life, so think carefully before getting involved in other people’s matters.

Here, disagreements are evident. People cannot reach common sense and the strength with which they defend their own convictions and opinions ends up undermining the structures of any interpersonal relationship, whether professional, personal or casual. You have to be open to receiving other people’s ideas, opinions and thoughts to want to be heard by them. Wanting to see your truth as absolute is what makes you get into friction and break up friendships, partnerships and relationships that would have everything to walk towards a prosperous success, and this is all out of sheer stubbornness. Don’t let your ego stop you from growing and maturing.

It is also necessary to be careful not to allow the heat of discussions to end up becoming something bigger and more dangerous. Verbal and physical aggression are the worst consequences any incompatibility of thoughts can bring. If you are experiencing any situation that leads you to take risks, then walk away before it’s too late. Don’t allow them to disrespect you, just as you don’t disrespect anyone.

If you’re struggling to achieve something, know that victory isn’t something unattainable, but the road to get there will have many obstacles, stones and detours that will make you want to give up. Remember to keep focus, determination and willpower at high levels within yourself, and you will surely succeed. If a problem is keeping you up at night, try to look at it from all angles and find solutions that are different from the usual ones.

Love and Relationship

This is a card that symbolizes possessive relationships, so if you are in a relationship, it is very likely that you are experiencing a union with abuse of different types and in different magnitudes. If that’s the case, then you need to find ways to get yourself out of this abyss you’ve been pushed into and back to the surface as quickly as possible.

It is necessary to understand that any relationship must have its structures based on respect, complicity and mutual support and not aggression, humiliation and dominance over the partner. Living like this is not healthy. Don’t allow yourself to be hurt out of fear of leaving this relationship or being alone. You have many people around you who are willing to help you overcome this toxic relationship and protect you from harm. Ask for help.

On the other hand, if you are in a healthy union where love prevails with harmony and happiness, this card can represent a dark moment you will go through. Conflicts and misunderstandings will become more evident and, if not resolved with patience and respect, could lead to fights and discussions with disastrous consequences for the future of your union. Always remember that dialogue is the best way to solve any problem that may come your way.

If you are single, this is the moment to experience new things without getting attached to the desire for commitment, because, at the moment, love is not so high on your path and those who cross your paths may not be in the same tune to make a commitment. lasting. Take the opportunity to have fun with friends and family, get out of your routine, travel, enjoy the best of life and let this bad time of love be swept away from you. It won’t be long before you find someone, just let the universe work in your favor.

This card asks for extra attention so as not to end up falling into the clutches of a malicious person and suffering violence from strangers. Don’t put your trust in people so easily. Protecting yourself is not a lack of delivery, but a way to protect yourself from bad things.

Work and Career

When in a work and career reading, the whip card represents internal and external conflicts that must be resolved as soon as possible. On the one hand, you may be feeling a lot of pressure to live up to the high expectations that are often placed on the results of projects and activities, which leads to strong anxiety and a feeling of inadequacy so gigantic that it makes you want to give up on everything before you even begin. to start.

In this case, it is necessary to remain calm and stabilize the focus, measuring what is really possible to accomplish or not and how to do it. It won’t do any good to pull out all the hairs because of deadlines and screams, if you act like that you’ll end up going bald and with all the projects paralyzed halfway through. Try to talk openly with colleagues and higher-ups about your doubts and difficulties and seek solutions and answers from them. The work will only reach the desired success when it is carried out as a team.

Keeping your mind more rational and less emotional will also help you with this task. Perhaps, you need to seek help from a professional to relieve this tension. Taking a few days off or starting a new hobby is a great tip to clear your head and bring more fluidity to work.

On the other hand, you may be being swallowed up by a flood of discussions and disagreements within your work environment. Some want to stand out more than others. Others want to outsmart their colleagues. There are so many nitpicks and gossip that there are days when it’s hard to even breathe inside the company, imagine surviving until the end of the day. To get out of this situation, work will have to be done one by one, starting with yourself. Try to imagine yourself outside the team and see if you are not one of the main causes of the discord they experience today on a daily basis.

Maybe you’re not listening to what other people have to say, you can’t accept opinions that differ from yours, or you’re letting greed get to your head with such an extreme desire to stand out and advance in your career that you end up going over everyone else’s. without pity or pity. Do this self-assessment, surely many frictions and conflicts can be avoided in the future because of it.

Now, if you are absolutely sure that you are not the cause of the bad weather, then try to approach each one and talk frankly. Trying to understand all sides is the best way to make the whole work. Remember that the team is like a cogwheel, if one screw is out of level, nothing else will work properly.

If you realize that there is nothing else that can be done to remedy the situation, then perhaps it is time to start thinking about new solutions, such as a new job, changing careers or even changing sectors. The important thing is not to get used to chaos.

Health and Wellness

The Whip is a card that calls for attention to all areas of health: spiritual, physical and emotional. Instability, pain, malaise, everything you are feeling today is a consequence of the way you have been taking care of yourself so far. Therefore, it is very important to make a sudden change in the way you lead your life, avoiding any type of addiction, performing physical activities, eating properly and taking care of your mind with meditations and moments of pleasure and fun.

In the physical field, diseases can affect without prior notice and without apparent reasons. It’s as if everything were in a thousand flowers and out of nowhere a storm swept each petal away with violence and without warning. If you realize that something is not going well, seek help from a professional. Do not try to solve small illnesses on your own without giving due importance to them, because it is not known when they will turn into something more serious due to sheer negligence.

Taking care of your mind is also one of the first attitudes you must have to achieve your well-being. Many of the illnesses that the body suffers have their origin in a shaken and unstructured emotional state, so keeping the mind healthy and centered provides good health for the body. Do not neglect your emotions and feelings and try not to let yourself be contaminated by everyday stress.

Already in the spiritual field, this card warns of negative energies and charged people who are wanting to affect you in some way. Be careful not to get hit by this bad wave that looms before you. Pray and ask for protection for your guides.

  • Body parts connected to the card: musculature, sexual organs and tendons

The Whip meaning according to your position in the spread

When in the central or first position in the nine-card spread, the Whip indicates conflicts, misunderstandings, problems caused by divergent opinions and misunderstanding. The time is to avoid unnecessary friction and people with extreme negativity that may be surrounding the consultant’s life and doing everything to get the person off track and destabilise their emotions and feelings.

This card can also symbolize that the consultant urgently needs to start acting if he wants to successfully achieve the goals he aims for. Waiting for things to happen on their own won’t get you anywhere. It takes determination, energy and strength to break vicious cycles and burst the bubble of comfort.

On the Grand Tableau, the scythe card will always symbolize the challenges and obstacles that the querent must face to move forward with their plans, projects and dreams, regardless of the position where the querent’s card is. The difference in positioning only represents the strength with which these obstacles will hit the person. The closer the card is to the querent, the more intense the challenges faced.

Combinations with The Whip

Whip is a predominantly negative card and will always influence other cards to follow this energy. Some will be able to soften this dark air when they are close to her, but they will not be strong enough to nullify the challenges posed by the Whip. The difference is that, when the card of support has strong positivity, the disappointments, sadness and wounds suffered with the strength of the Whip will serve to strengthen and lead to the victory of a fight.

The Whip and The Scythe

The Scythe is a card that manages to ease the suffering caused by the Whip card. When they appear together, they symbolize great sadness, pain and torment hitting you so intensely that the feeling you have is that there is nothing in this world that can change that situation. But even if these thick clouds bring violent storms, they will pass and harmony will gradually return to life. It takes strength, determination and a lot of hope to get through the next tough and difficult obstacles that are yet to come. It can also mean magic and enchantments performed by people who don’t want you well to end your happiness. Take care and hold on to your faith. Your guides are tuned in to protect you.

The Whip and The Moon

You have to be prepared. The Moon aligned with The Whip does not bring good omens. People who don’t want you well can be around you camouflaged in good deeds and nice words waiting for the exact moment to act. This attack can come in the form of magic, spells and work done so that sadness, fear and bad feelings get in the way, imposing limits and digging chasms that make you give up on going forward. Keep your heart pure, trust your existence and don’t lose your faith. These three things will help you stay on your feet when the storm hits your head. Seek spiritual help if you feel the need.

The Whip – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the common associations with The Whip card.

  • Element: Air and Fire
  • Planet: Lilith
  • Card: Jack of Clubs
  • Astrological signs: no zodiac
  • Number: 11 (eleven)
  • Positive/Negative: Negative

The Whip as a person

As a person, The Whip can represent someone who is very competitive or who has plenty of energy to carry out several activities at the same time. It can also represent people with argumentative and restless personalities who are always looking for innovative solutions to old problems. Sex industry professionals are also represented by this card.

The Time in The Whip card

This is a card that brings an uncertain time for things to happen, because normally they have been happening for some time, but they haven’t been noticed yet, or they are consequences of attitudes that the querent has had along his path. Therefore, it can vary between 11 days, 11 weeks or 11 months. It all depends on the auxiliary cards.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in the spread of The Whip?

  • Can you really trust the people around you?
  • Is there anyone who has reason to wish you harm?
  • Can acting differently bring you other results?
  • What is your role in the problems that are hitting you?
  • How can you protect yourself from external attacks?
  • Are you not sabotaging yourself?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Birds Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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