Categories: Lenormand

The Woman Lenormand card meaning – in love, relationship, work, health and Beyond

The Woman is the female energy card. It can represent the consultant himself, or someone close to him who has a strong emotional essence activated, showing great influence and importance in his life.

This is a card of transformations that, like the feminine cycle that is always in motion, symbolises the arrival of new ideas and ways of thinking. It is possible to perceive an evolution and, with it, changes in life and attitudes. It’s a card that brings with it the personal power that each one has within themselves.

The Woman card Keywords

In order to better understand the interpretations related to The Woman card, we will list the keywords related to it.

Keywords: the querent himself, someone female, female energy, femininity, female influence

The Woman Meaning

Unlike the Man card, the Woman card does not necessarily represent someone of the female gender, but a person who carries the feminine essence in her personality, that is, the emotional side dictates her attitudes, thoughts and actions, more than than the rational side. Despite this, just like the Man card, it can symbolise both the querent and someone who has a very special role for him.

These feminine traits can also appear through the person’s behaviour towards others, being someone who is very receptive and who is unlikely to find himself on the defensive, with aggressiveness being practically nil in his responses to any type of external stimulus.

Despite such receptivity, one should not be deceived, as this is a person who does not allow himself to be intimidated, knowing well how to use logic when necessary. Strong, decisive, possessing great intuition and strength to face challenges, so is the female energy represented by this card.

In a practical way, this is a card of conquests, however, deserved conquests, those that come after a long battle. They are prosperous results of long periods of dedication, focus and work. Therefore, if you’ve been making a lot of effort, dedicating hours of your life to a specific project and working hard for a big dream, know that the return will be as great as your desires. Your courage, your zeal, your bravery will be rewarded with ripe, beautiful and perfect fruits.

In case you still feel that you are far from accomplishing what you want so much and in which so much energy you have been disposing, the tip is not to give up. Keep walking your path, regardless of the stones that appear along it, as they are nothing compared to the light you have within you.

Now, if, for some reason, you believe that the path is too tortuous or leading you through unbearable flames, you may have to make small adjustments in direction and try to take new roads. The important thing is to follow your intuition, stay true to what you believe in, trust yourself and keep that feminine power alive. That way, you’ll know exactly where to go.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the Woman’s card demonstrates a very loving relationship where each one values ​​the happiness of the other, taking care of the partner with affection and respect, but not forgetting to also take care of yourself.

There is in this union a strong feminine power, a sensuality that must be revered and stimulated through creativity. If you’ve been feeling discouraged or you realise that there is no longer that emotion of starting a relationship, know that you are wrong. The emotion still exists, it just needs to be rescued. Plan a romantic dinner followed by intimate spreads, invite your partner to try new things, allow the libido to bloom again. In addition to rekindling the weak flame, it will also give you a great time.

The Woman card is a harmony card, so it can also symbolise a relationship that is in the face of true peace. This does not mean that there are no problems or disagreements, but that you can solve them together, always with a lot of dialogue and respect. Therefore, even if stones are placed in your path, there is nothing to worry about, because you will know how to remove them.

If you are single, a new romance will be present in your life, but for it to actually materialise, you must do your part. Unleashing your seductive side and delving into the art of romance are hints this card gives you. Trust in your potential for achievement and be sure that this new love will bring you beautiful moments.

Work and Career

Creativity, inventiveness, ingenuity, these are the words that define the Woman card very well when reading about work and career. Now is the time to take advantage of high imagination to resolve pending matters and deal with matters that require a more complex solution to succeed.

Accepting new projects and dedicating yourself to activities that are different from those you are used to is also a tip in the Woman’s card, as your energy opens the way to the new, bringing opportunities that will be essential for your professional growth.

This card also presents a professional field without many barriers, with a harmonious work environment in which teamwork is not only important, but preserved by all. This harmony is perfect to make you stand out, as you don’t have to climb on top of others to be noticed, just make your skills visible and apply yourself to helping those who need your knowledge.

In a more practical way, the Woman’s card can represent a person who carries this energy and, because of this, being governed by emotions, ends up being someone submissive, who accepts things that harm him because he does not know how to say no, especially because he is afraid to be seen with the wrong eyes.

If that person is you, then you need to start measuring the decisions you make and have a firmer hand with colleagues and people higher up. Don’t be afraid of losing work because of this, strive to carry out your tasks with accuracy and dedication and they will realise your value.

If you are looking for a job, a new vacancy will appear for you thanks to the efforts you have been making to re-enter the job market. Most likely, this vacancy will be the result of the indication of someone who has the feminine essence, so if you haven’t already asked your friends and acquaintances for help, for whatever reason, the time to do so is now.

Health and Wellness

If you are facing an illness, regardless of what problem ails you, professionals specialised in your subject will be part of your treatment and help you in the best indication for your case, guiding you to a very successful result. It won’t be long until your health is recovered and the current situation is circumvented.

The Woman’s card is a card that values ​​emotional health, that’s why it appears in the spread to ask for extra attention to this part of life that is so neglected by most of us, mainly due to the rush of everyday life.

Taking time out for yourself, having fun with friends, laughing with a silly movie and having a good cup of tea can help you avoid the overload of everyday life. If you feel that you are overwhelmed and that the explosion seems about to happen inside you, then step on the brakes immediately and seek the help of a professional, do not allow this explosion to happen and divide your heart into millions of pieces. Open up to those you trust. Your family and friends are ready to give you all the support you need.

For women, the card warns of problems involving the female reproductive organ and the menstrual cycle, which is why it is very important to keep up to date with exams and preventive measures. This is the best way to avoid more serious illnesses.

  • Body parts connected to the card: female reproductive system.

The Woman meaning according to the position in the spread

When in center or first position in the nine-card spread, as with the Man card, the Woman card will symbolise a person of feminine energy, regardless of their position in the spread. There is no specific reading in this type of reading, and its position is used only to demarcate the supporting cards that will serve as a basis for the reading itself. What should be done is to ask the querent to focus on the person the card will represent and, in this case, it could be a woman, if that makes sense to the querent. Supporting cards should also be used to identify that person’s personality.

At the Grand Tableau, the Woman’s card will also represent a person, which could be the consultant himself or someone of paramount importance in his life, always remembering the feminine energy that she emanates. The identification of who the person portrayed by the card is is very important to determine the dynamics of the reading, because, if it is the querent himself, the basis of the reading will be governed by his position.

Combinations with The Woman

When it comes to positive and negative energies, the Woman’s card is a neutral card, so it is necessary to pay attention to the auxiliary cards to know what kind of energy she will carry with her during the reading of the Lenormand deck.

The Woman and The Clouds

Challenges that directly affect the emotional, this is the reading when the Woman card and the Cloud card appear together. But it’s not necessarily about you, it could be someone close to you. He is someone governed by feminine energy and his emotional state is very shaken, to the point of overloading his heart and soul, leading to serious mental health problems, such as Depression, Panic Disorder and Anxiety. It is necessary to seek help from a professional if you are facing this or recognize the person to whom the card refers. Talking to someone you trust can also help a lot.

It is important to emphasise two things: the person may not represent that level of stress at the moment, but is suffering a lot in silence because he does not want to share what he feels with others, or he may not have reached that level yet, showing only signs of impatience, excessive sleep or simply not feeling like doing the things you used to do. Either way, it’s good to pay attention to the signs.

The Woman and The Lilies

This union of cards represents someone who plays a very important role in your life, but he is not just anyone, he is an older, wiser person who has great teachings to pass on, always sharing them with those in need. He’s a virtuous person, capable of killing lions to help you face your own path and who doesn’t do this looking for something in return, but because he has a strong connection with you, a pure and true love.

Here, although this card almost never represents the female figure, it tends to go for this reading. Therefore, it is much more likely that we are talking about a person of the female gender, such as a mother, sister, partner, and not the essence itself.

The Woman – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are some of the usual associations with The Woman card

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Venus
  • Card: Ace of Spades
  • Astrological signs: Taurus
  • Number: 29 (twenty nine)
  • Positive/Negative: Neutral

The Woman as a Person

As a person, the Woman card will indicate someone who carries strong feminine energy. Unlike the Man card, which represents someone of the male gender, this card symbolises the essence of that person much more than the figure itself.

Of course, this card may indicate a woman as its real figure, but this representation should only be carried out in specific cases, such as to represent someone important to the querent and from whom he wants to know something punctual or to represent the querent himself.

The Time in The Woman card

Like the Man’s card, the Woman’s card is not a card usually used to mark time, it is an energetic card. Therefore, it is best to consult auxiliary cards to dictate the precise time for something to happen.

Now, if you want to get a sense of that time just using the Woman’s card, then we can symbolise it as a “soon” card. Associated with the number twenty-nine, we can use this number to indicate the date of the month that is most likely to make decisions, carry out transactions or start something new.

Questions to ask yourself when appearing in The Woman card spread?

  • What female influences are there in your life?
  • Do you have someone with the energy of the feminine to help you at this moment?
  • Are you listening to your intuition?
  • Do you know how to use your intuition and not confuse it with feelings like fear and apprehension?
  • How can you stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your heart?

Happy reading and see you in the next card, The Lilies Lenormand card meaning – in love, work and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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