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Three of Wands Tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

The Three of Wands is a card that represents the realisation of projects that have been working on for a long time. The fruits are ready to be harvested and creativity and innovation is what will move you towards achieving the desired goals. It is necessary to keep your eyes open so as not to miss the opportunities that come from all corners and make the most of each one of them to grow, mature and build the future with prosperity.

Visual description and symbology Three of Wands

The three of Wands brings the image of a man standing on the edge of a cliff looking at the horizon as if reflecting on the future that awaits him. Around him, three sticks are stuck in the ground and he holds one of them.

  • The wand in your left hand represents plans for the future, while the other two represent the work and careful analysis that must be done to achieve your goals.
  • The yellow sea and sky in the same tone represent wisdom and intellectuality.
  • The edge of the cliff represents both the feeling of imprisonment for not knowing where to go or how to act, as well as the freedom to surrender to the unknown, feeling ready to jump into the abyss and face any difficulty that appears right ahead.

Keywords Three of Wands

Until we go further with the meanings of the three of Wands tarot cards in love, money and health let’s examine the key words of this card.

Keywords: expansion, growth, maturation, confidence, progress, opportunities abroad.

Reversed keywords: limitations, unexpected delays, lack of progress, constraints, frustration.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Three of Wands interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Three of Wands meaning

The three of Wands is a card of opportunities. It represents success and shows how fortunate you feel with the direction your life is taking. You kept an open mind to changes and planned the future carefully, acting strategically so that things happen as desired, and this generated great growth and emotional maturity that allows you to advance to the next levels with conviction. Your attitudes attract new opportunities, so it’s very important to remain receptive to what’s to come, not clinging to the comfort of what you’ve conquered so far. Much is yet to happen.

This letter also carries warnings about travelling abroad in search of new insights and knowledge. But for that, you must do your part and work hard to achieve that freedom that awaits you. Opportunities await you in lands unknown.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the three of Wands presents us with a relationship that is moving towards happiness. Conflicts that arise are easily resolved with the open line of communication that exists between you and this allows you to better enjoy your time together and manage to plan the future as a couple without worrying about unnecessary disagreements. This is the time to focus on the details of life together. Stipulate what you want and where you want to go so that, together, you can fight for a prosperous future.

This card also symbolizes foreign travel or moving to foreign countries involving you and your partner. This is the opportunity for you to get to know different cultures and strengthen your relationship even further.

If you are single, now is the time to experiment and enjoy your freedom. Don’t want to force a relationship with someone who isn’t on the same vibe as you. A new love is about to happen, but it’s in places you haven’t explored yet, a trip, probably.

Money and Work

The three of Wands appear in the game to warn of new opportunities presenting themselves to you in your career and you will need to expand your own horizons to make the most of the occasion. It could be a trip abroad, travelling for work or being called to a new job in another country. The important thing here is to keep an open mind and make the most of what is on offer.

If you own a company, the time has come to expand your business and even focus on foreign trade and exports. Dedicating your efforts to this new expansion will pay off in the future, but it will take more than usual to make that happen.

In the financial area, the time has come to enjoy the rewards of your work. You’ve dedicated a lot to get where you are and you’ve given up a lot of things so far. But don’t spend too much and on futile things, now is the time to allocate part of that reward to expanding your horizons. In case you still haven’t achieved the financial stability you’ve dreamed of, this card appears to reassure you. Maybe you need to dedicate a few more hours to work or reserve your free time for other paid activities that help you overcome the current difficulty. The important thing is not to give up, because stability is closer than you think.

Health and Spirituality

The three of Wands is a recovery card when it appears in the game related to health. If you find yourself in weakened health or some illness is plaguing you, know that the treatment you are following will make you stronger. You will be able to restore your health and you will feel a significant improvement over the days. This letter may also indicate the need to travel abroad in search of the most appropriate treatment for the case.

In the spiritual area, you find yourself in a moment of completeness with yourself and with the universe. You can find the best spiritual path to follow, and the positive consequences of your choices bring enlightenment and happiness to all areas of your life.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning

The three of Wands in the reversed position indicates disappointments for not having achieved the expected results. You may have made some wrong decision in the past or made choices that made you not achieve what you want in some area of ​​your life and this is making you a martyr. This is not the time to fret over unfulfilled resolutions, but to realize that all the work done so far has been worth your growth, giving you the strength and learning to keep moving forward. You need to take time out to reflect and plan for your future. Letting go of the ghosts of past choices and learning from the mistakes made will be of great importance to proceed with your long-term plans and projects.

This card also symbolizes a return home. It could be a change, returning from a trip abroad, or even going back to the city of origin.

Love and Relationship

If you are in a relationship, the three of Wands in the reversed position means the lack of progress and the stagnation in which the relationship is. You have made choices that you regret and this is preventing you from growing and maturing as a couple. This does not mean that an end is approaching you, but that it is time to face the problems, focus on finding the solution together and fighting to recover what was lost along the way. It’s a time to sit down and talk about the future you want for yourselves.

If you are single, you are holding on to feelings from the past, experiencing daily within yourself a relationship that no longer exists. It prevents you from moving forward and experiencing the sense of freedom that being alone gives you. As long as you cannot enjoy this moment of being with yourself, you will hardly be able to surrender to someone new.

Money and Career

The reversed three of Wands is a card that brings frustration over unfulfilled plans. You may have missed opportunities that you were looking forward to in your career and this discouraged you, making you disbelieve that you will be able to achieve the goals you so desire. You may also be feeling trapped in a job that doesn’t generate fruit or satisfaction for you. You need to review the attitudes and strategies you are taking to achieve your goals, with calm, focus and concentration, to make the best decisions.

This letter also represents work-related travel cancellations or missing out on an opportunity to work abroad due to being unable to accept the offer or having passed up the opportunity.

In the financial area, the three of Wands in the reversed position indicates a chaotic financial situation. You find yourself lost amidst the turmoil your finances are in and seem to bury yourself deeper in debt every day. It takes focus and focusing on one problem at a time. Taking control of your finances again will be an arduous task and it takes concentration to get out of that quicksand. If you are not going through any troubled times, the card warns you to be cautious in making decisions so as not to end up suffering significant losses.

Health and Spirituality

The three of swords in the inverted position can symbolize sadness and hopelessness regarding a treatment you are going through. If you are facing a disease and feel that you are not progressing, even with medical help and specialists, know that the cure has its time to happen. Nurturing negative feelings will hinder your recovery. Keep believing and following the guidance of your professional, don’t be discouraged.

As the three of Wands brings travel abroad as one of its readings, when in the inverted position, it warns of extra care if you are about to travel or travelling, as the possibility of contracting a disease abroad is very high. Take all precautions.

In the spiritual realm, you feel discredited and faithless and have stopped listening to your own intuition. It is important not to let yourself be shaken by ghosts from your past and to work on regaining belief in yourself and your spirit guides. Your guides are always by your side, listen to them again

Three of Wands Yes and No

The three of Wands is a card with positive energy, it refers to beginnings, achievements and partnerships that help in the growth and realization of projects and activities. She indicates yes as an answer to any query question.

Three of Wands Combinations

The three of Wands brings positive change or installed chaos to your readings. Depending on the combination, it can indicate success and prosperity in different fields of life, such as warning about the confusion and turmoil in which life is, preventing growth and the realization of projects.

Three of Wands and The Rook

You feel unable to handle the huge demands that are coming your way. This is due to the lack of focus and control over the activities that must be carried out. Focus.

Three of Wands and The Empress

Good omens coming. Everything that has been started will be completed with positive results, new ventures, activities, businesses and plans. A work-from-home opportunity also looms on the horizon.

Three of Wands and The Fool

Unforeseen events are on the way and you must be prepared to face the unexpected. The lack of concentration and focus is making him lose control over his own projects, not realizing any. Disorder takes over.

Three of Wands – Elements, Astrology and other associations

Here are the associations with the Three of Wands tarot card

  • Fire element
  • Planet: sun
  • Astrological signs: Aries
  • Key dates: March 31 to April 10
  • Kabbalah/Kabbalah: Binah
  • Yes / No: Yes

Three of Wands as Personality Types

When in the upright position, it indicates someone who likes to be in charge. They are people who have their own destiny in their hands, acting with dexterity and logical thinking to achieve their goals, prospering with responsibility. They are always coming up with new ideas and applying what they learn to their routine, spreading their enthusiasm to those around them. Sometimes they can be arrogant and presumptuous, but this is just a consequence of the great self-confidence they carry with them.

When in the inverted position, it indicates someone who is quite unpleasant and who is always judging others for being constantly on the defensive. They are people who have a great tendency to follow unhealthy habits and are unlikely to change that for others, as they only think about themselves. Most of the time, they have no idea what they want for the future and keep changing plans and goals all the time, revolving around themselves without leaving the place.

Three of Wands as feelings

The three of Wands is a card that inspires a fresh start. She shows that there is a need to truly surrender and open up to new things, leaving behind everything negative that one day she experienced. Hope, confidence, expectations, are feelings that make the three of Wands move forward without fear of choosing a path. It is a person who is ready to advance to another level.

General questions about the Three of Wands tarot card

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Three of Wands tarot card.

What does the Three of Wands tarot card mean?

The three of Wands is a card that brings with it success, conquest and opportunities. You’ve worked hard this far and it’s time to reap the rewards of that work. You are enjoying deserving success, as you have been strategic, planned carefully and knew which paths to choose along the way, keeping an open mind and ready to face any changes that lay ahead of you. Keep it up, because many good things are yet to come and it will depend solely on you to take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves from now on.

In another reading, this letter brings warnings about trips abroad involving new projects. For this, you must do your part and work hard to achieve the freedom that awaits you. Opportunities await you in lands unknown.

What does the reversed Three of Wands tarot card mean?

The three of Wands in the reversed position brings with it the power of disappointment. You made wrong choices and traced paths that took you away from what you really want, and this is making you feel like a failure and disappointed with yourself. You need to get rid of the weight you’ve placed on your guilt and realize that all the work done so far has had its value and will serve to strengthen you to keep fighting for your goals. This is the moment to reflect on these choices and learn from them, to plan your future and work towards your long-term projects.

This card also symbolizes a return home. It could be a change, returning from a trip abroad, or even going back to the city of origin.

What does the Three of Wands tarot card mean in a love reading?

If you are in a relationship, the three of Wands shows a prosperous, firm relationship where you can build a purpose to be together. This is the moment to focus on the future and take advantage of the open communication channel that exists between you to discuss the next step to be taken. This relationship walks towards happiness and fulfilment, as you are more connected than ever. Focus on life together.

Being a card of change and travel, the three of Wands represent a trip abroad or moving to a foreign country. This is the ideal time to further strengthen your relationship and explore a new world of different cultures.

If you are single, a new love awaits you in unknown lands. Probably a summer sweetheart, or someone you’ll meet while travelling.

When upside down, the three of Wands symbolizes a lack of progress and growth within the relationship. Y ‘ all find yourself stagnant and martyring yourself for bad choices made in the past. It is time to reflect and sit down to talk, only then will they be able to recover what was lost and plan for the future. If single, this is the moment to forget past relationships and experience the freedom that singleness gives you. Learning to stay with yourself is the first step to being able to surrender to a new love.

Three of Wands and a Yes or No tarot card?


Happy reading and see you in the next card, Four of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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