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Two of Wands tarot card meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

After the new opportunity presented by the Ace of Wands, the Two of Wands brings you to a crossroads where you have a decision to make. It reminds you to take a moment to balance your energy and plan the path you need to take. The message here is “what you sow, you will reap”. To succeed, you’ll need courage and control to overcome the obstacles that await you.

Visual description and symbology of the Two of Wands

In the image of the Two of Wands card, there is a young man standing on top of a castle, looking into the distance. He is looking at the journey ahead of him and planning his route from the safe environment of his home.

  • He is positioned between two standing wands and holds the other in his left hand.
  • The one on his right side is attached to the wall, representing that he is not yet ready to explore the world.
  • In his right hand he holds a small globe that represents the potential of the opportunity before him. It’s like he has the world in the palm of his hand.
  • The bottom of the sea, mountains and valleys represent the obstacles that await him on his journey, but they also promise great possibilities for success if he musters up the courage to take the first step.

Two of Wands Keywords

To better understand the interpretations related to the Two of Wands card, let’s list the related keywords that helped to understand the meaning of the card.

Keywords: planning, first steps, decision making, leaving comfort, taking risks

Reversed keywords: personal goals, internal alignment, fear of the unknown, lack of planning.

Now that the visuals and keywords have been introduced, let’s dive deep into the Two of Wands’ interpretations of love, relationships, career, money, health and spirituality. And let’s understand how the meanings of this card can be interpreted for the consultant in each type of reading.

Two of Wands meaning

The Two of Wands symbolizes the moment between inspiration and action. It’s a time when you take the time to plan and evaluate how you’re going to make the leap into the new. This indicates that you have reached a crossroads where a choice must be made. You may find yourself in a balance between holding on to what you know or taking a risk and exploiting your chances. The Two of Wands reminds you that stepping out of your comfort zone gives you a chance to grow. He encourages you to move forward, explore the world and achieve your goals.

Love and Relationship

If you are single and the Two of Wands appears in a love tarot reading, it could indicate that you need some alone time to evaluate what you want. You might want to take a break from dating other people and take a trip somewhere to weigh up which path you want to go down. This can open up new opportunities to meet people when you’re out of your comfort zone.

If you’re already in a relationship, the two of Wands is a great indication that you’re feeling good about each other. Your relationship is built on a good foundation and now is a good time to plan the next stages of your relationship together. You will be able to make long-term commitments to each other, such as engagement, marriage, living together, or having a family.

If the previous one doesn’t match your current situation, the two of Wands can be a card to weigh your options before you make decisions. There may be growing boredom in the relationship and you may start to wander if the world could have something more to offer you. This card reminds you to take a moment and balance the situation and then make a decision.

Money and Career

In a career context, the Two of Wands indicates that you will have options in front of you. You may have a choice between two companies or two positions at your current company. The globe in the young man’s hand can also indicate an opportunity that will require travel or moving elsewhere. Whatever it is, you will have to weigh your options and make a choice. Remember that we grow the most when we step out of our comfort zones. If you want to start your own business, the card is a favourable sign. It’s telling that you have the ability to succeed, but you’ll need to plan before you execute. As this card has the number two, it also represents that there is a possibility of a partnership or that there are other people around you to help you.

Regarding finances, the two of Wands are a positive card. You will find financial stability or success if you take the time to evaluate your choices. Planning is always important, but especially so when the Two of Wands is on the table.

Health and Spirituality

In a healthy and spiritual reading, the Two of Wands can indicate that you need to make a plan to achieve the goals you set out to do. Maybe it’s time to buy a structured health program or hire a personal trainer to help you with your planning.

In regards to spirituality, the Two of Wands reminds you to take some time and space to look after your spirituality and emotional well-being. As this card represents partnerships, you may find benefit from a spirit partner or guide right now.

Two of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Two of Wands reversed represents what happens when we hold on to old beliefs and fears. It also alerts us to the results that follow a lack of planning. It reminds you to find inner alignment and figure out what’s holding you back. He’s telling you to take some time to assess what’s important to you and then organise your life around the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Love and Relationship

In a Relationship context, the reversed Two of Wands indicates that you are feeling a bit stuck at the moment. You and your partner may be avoiding talking openly and honestly about your desires and goals. Try to be honest with yourself and don’t compromise if you have doubts about your relationship. If you feel like you’ve been forced into something due to social pressure, it won’t end well, but you could waste a lot of time being unhappy halfway through.

If you’re single, you might be feeling like your options are limited right now. Or you might be thinking that getting back with my ex partner is the safest option because it is the easiest way. Most likely this relationship will end as before – back to being an ex.

Money and Career

The Two of Wands reversed in a career context relates to doubt and fear of the unknown. You’re not reaching your full potential because you don’t have the courage to step out of your comfort zone. You’re missing out on opportunities because you tell yourself it’s too difficult or you don’t have the skills to do it. You’d rather take the easy way out than explore what the world has to offer. Put that doubt aside and give yourself the opportunity to fail. You might be surprised by the result.

Alternatively, it could indicate that more planning is needed to succeed in your endeavours. Your ideas and projects are not catching wind because you haven’t defined a clear strategy to execute them. As a result, you are working inefficiently and disorganised and not achieving your desired goals.

Regarding your finances, the reversed Two of Wands indicates lack of planning. You may have a tendency to believe that things will always work out in the end. Or, alternatively, you’re not seeing any results from your investments because you haven’t set financial goals or strategies to achieve them.

The Two of Wands reversed represents what happens when we hold on to old beliefs and fears. It also alerts us to the results that follow a lack of planning. It reminds you to find inner alignment and figure out what’s holding you back. He’s telling you to take some time to assess what’s important to you and then organise your life around the goals you’ve set for yourself.

Health and Spirituality

The Two of Wands reversed in the context of health indicates that you may not be achieving your desired health outcomes due to lack of planning. You may be setting goals for yourself but not following a detailed plan to reach them. This can leave you feeling unmotivated and feeling negative about your body. You should try a personal trainer to guide you on your journey. The structured approach and coaching will be beneficial and you will soon see some results.

In relation to your spiritual path, the Two of Wands reversed indicates that you are limiting yourself in personal and spiritual growth because you are clinging to what you know and not exploring what the universe has to offer. You might even feel afraid to try something because you are afraid of the unknown. Once again, cast your fears aside and embrace the opportunities for personal growth that come when you are out of your comfort zone.

Two of Wands Yes or No

The Two of Wands are portals between the realms of the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana and are interpreted as beneficial, positive and life enhancing. The Two of Wands represents clarity and breakthroughs, so it has a positive affirmation. It is tilted to YES when the card is vertical.

Two of Wands Combinations

This card will often drain the nostalgic and past-loving side of a tarot card with whom it is paired. But it can be very useful to alert and guide you in relation to your ambitions and what really matters in the present moment.

Health and Spirituality

Two of Wands and Ace of Wands

When these two cards come together in a tarot reading, they can indicate a new job opportunity. For example, it could be a place where you’ve worked before, or someone you’ve partnered with on other projects.

Two of Wands and The Chariot

This combination can be a warning to overcome a more prepared opponent. In general, it can indicate that people who are less likely to win will obtain favourable results, such as in legal disputes, sports and job promotion.

Two of Wands and Four of Swords

This combination represents that you are aiming for the financial side. Maybe you don’t trust anyone when it comes to your finances, even the people closest to you.

Two of Wands – Element, Astrology and other associations

Here are the main associations with the Two of Wands

  • Fire element
  • Planet: sun
  • Astrological signs: Virgo and Leo
  • Kabbalah: Kether of Atziluth
  • Important dates: March 21st – March 30th
  • Stone: Ruby, Turquoise
  • Yes / No: Yes, especially if the question involves other people
  • Divinatory meaning: courage and initiative to overcome obstacles

Two of Wands as Personality Types

Two of Wands as a personality are people who take their time to consider things. They are excellent listeners and not quick to judge. As Wands’ element is Fire, they are also

passionate, energetic and enthusiastic. They sound like great people to have around you.

Two of Wands as Feelings

Wands are an energetic suit, as their element is Fire. However, two has several considerations. There is passion in the air, but there are also decisions to be made. Perhaps there is more than one option to choose from.

Two of Wands tarot card general questions

Finally, let’s summarize some general issues that are related to the Two of Wands tarot card.

What does the Two of Wands tarot card mean?

Two of Wands is about having options to choose from. The difficulty of this opportunity comes from facing the decision, which one are you going to choose. So it’s wise to take a moment to plan and assess which roads you’re going to take and how you’re going to jump into the new one.

What is a reversed Two of Wands?

The Two of Wands reversed meaning reminds us to plan and weigh our options carefully. It’s trying to remind ourselves what happens when we restrict ourselves to old beliefs and fears. When you turn this card upside down, find the inner alignment and figure out what’s holding you back.

What the Two of Wands tarot card means in a love reading

The Two of Wands in love readings often point to a crossroads, where an important decision needs to be made. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, now is a good time to pause and weigh your options. For those in a relationship, this might mean making a long-term plan and discussing what you both really want in the future.

Is the Two of Wands tarot card a Yes or No card?

Two of Wands on Yes or No questions point positively to yes. The answer isn’t always clear, but after careful planning, you should have a yes.

Happy reading and see you in the next card, Three of Wands – Tarot meaning – Love, Money, Health and more

Eliana Sousa

I am a Tarot lover, a student, and a reader. I live in Portugal and enjoy sharing my Tarot discoveries here at TarotFarm.

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