Wheel of Fortune tarot card (X) is Major Arcana’s 10th card, and it means a change of luck, unexpected events, and progress. It reminds us that everything happens in cycles, and change is a constant and inescapable part of life.
When you are at the height of your success, make sure that you enjoy it because what goes up must come down. The same holds on the contrary – when nothing seems to go your way, things will ultimately turn for the better.
Wheel of Fortune visual depiction and symbolism
Wheel of Fortune tarot card illustrates a rotating wheel with three creatures riding it on the outer circle – A snake on the left side, a sphinx on top, and an Anubis rising at the bottom. Four letters are carved into the outer ring of the Wheel. They spell out both ‘Taro” and ‘Rota.’ The inner ring displays the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt.

- The continuous movement of the Wheel suggests life’s cycles
- The snake represents the constant renewal of life.
- The Sphinx represents the mysteries of life.
- The Anubis symbolizes animalistic desires.
- TARO is the old name for Tarot, and ROTA means Wheel.
- The alchemical symbols represent the formative blocks of life and the four elements.
Surrounding the Wheel of Fortune, four different creatures surround the card; an angel, an eagle, a bull, and a lion. They are related to four fixed signs in the zodiac – Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Each of them is placed in a separate section as if they guard the four corners of the world.
Wheel of Fortune Keywords
Before we go into the more profound meanings of the Wheel of Fortune in Love, Money, Health, and more let’s take a look at this card’s keywords.
UPRIGHT Keywords: Change, Good luck, life cycles, progress
REVERSED Keywords: Unwelcome changes, bad luck, delays
Wheel of Fortune Upright meaning
Wheel of Fortune appearing upright is usually a sign of a positive change and that luck is with you in the present moment. However, it also reminds us of life’s cyclical nature. Our moments of highs, lows, and standards exchange their turns in a manner that we have no control of. If you’re going through challenging times, be assured that things will take a turn for the better. Alternatively, if things are all too well, there could be bumps on the road ahead.
Love and Relationships
In the love and relationship context, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card is an excellent reminder that ‘what goes around comes around.’ Be kind to others, and they’ll be kind and caring to you. Give the kind of energy you also want to receive from others.
If you are in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that a pleasant event will occur. Perhaps it is one of those life events that will take your connection to the next level. This could be moving in together, engagement, or even having a baby. However, the Wheel of Fortune can also predict a change that at first seems challenging. Whether the changes are felt positively or negatively, they are not forever because the Wheel of Fortune is always in motion.
If you are single and looking for love, the Wheel of Fortune means good luck. Suppose you make yourself available and are willing to meet new people. In that case, positive changes in that area are bound to happen. You never know when love strikes you, but the odds are very high when you have the fortune of the Wheel with you.
Money and Career
In money and career context, the Wheel of Fortune is usually an excellent card when upright. It is an indication of opportunity, positive changes, and progress. At this moment, the probability of your professional and financial growth is high. Use this time well and focus your energy on things that will take you forward.
Regarding your professional life, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate a promotion, new opportunities, or projects that excite you. The forthcoming change is most likely a positive one and will take you a step closer to your professional goals. However, the upcoming period might feel challenging if going has been easy in the past. Just remind yourself that the changes will serve a greater purpose and eventually lead to positive things.
The Wheel of Fortune also suggests a change in your finances. Analyze your situation and be ready for whatever comes your way. If it has been challenging, luck is on your side, but don’t lose opportunities by not paying attention. If you’ve been economically stable, make sure to put some money on the side and keep saving for the unexpected days.
Health and Spirituality
When the Wheel of Fortune shows up in a Health reading, it signifies again change. You are likely required to make some adjustments that are for the greater good of your health. Suppose you’ve been pushing yourself too hard physically or emotionally. In that case, you might need to slow down take some time off. The change can come by your own will, or something may happen that will require to make a stop for a while.
In a spiritual context, positive energy is with you, and the universe supports your spiritual path. Still, you must keep your eyes open and grab onto the opportunities that come your way. Perhaps you will meet like-minded people that share the same path as you. You can feed off of each other and energize your journeys.
Wheel of Fortune Yes or No Upright
The Wheel of Fortune in yes or no inquiries leans to positive changes, fortune, and progress. Therefore the answer you seek is a Yes.
Wheel of Fortune reversed meaning
Wheel of Fortune tarot card reversed indicates unwelcome change, bad luck, or delays. It often appears in times when we feel that things are out of our control. In these moments, it might feel easiest to accept defeat. Still, we need to stay true to ourselves and be accountable for the circumstances that have gotten us to this point. We can either accept our faith and just hope for the better, or we can grab the bull by its horns and take action to turn things for the better.

Love and Relationships
In a love context, whether you are single or in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune reversed is a sign that you may encounter difficulties or delays. How you react to these obstacles is up to you. It is good to sometimes take them as a part of the game, but we can always learn from our mistakes and make adjustments to take a turn for the better.
If you are in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune reversed can indicate an unwelcome change in your relationship. It could mean that after a period of romance, the connection with your partner is turning somewhat stagnant. If this is the case, it is essential to remember that all relationships go through alternating phases. When you feel your relationship is lethargic, it is an opportunity to change something that will improve your connection. Maybe a shared hobby or a trip together can be that required adjustment. It is normal to have your feelings take a little breather every now and then, so don’t make any radical decisions based on short term feelings.
If you are single, the Wheel of Fortune reversed does not promise you a lot of romance in the near future. Take it as a sign to do some introspection about your situation. If you feel that you are unlucky in love, try to find the reasoning for it. Is there something you are doing that prevents you from seeing the opportunities that are out there.
Money and Career
The Wheel of Fortune reversed in money readings isn’t a good omen. So now is not the time to make risky investments or unnecessary acquisitions. The reversed Wheel of Fortune also acts as a reminder to have some financial security if an unexpected change appears.
Regarding your career, you may be going through a challenging period where work feels overwhelming. There might be so many changes going on that they keep distracting your way of working. Remember that sometimes you need to accept these new developments and educate yourself on new ways of working. Change is constant, and in today’s world, it seems to be faster and faster. It is essential to go with the flow and adapt yourself to the changing environment.
Health and Spirituality
In a health context, reversed Wheel of Fortune can indicate rising stress levels and pessimism. The unexpected changes in different areas of our lives can increase the pressure we feel mentally and physically. It is essential to stay positive that things will soon take a turn for the better. Sometimes we can’t do anything to avoid these unexpected events from happening, but how we can look positively past them will make a difference. To stay positive, make sure you are eating and sleeping well.
In a spiritual context, the reversed Wheel of Fortune may be indicating challenging times with your faith. You may be feeling like the universe is against you, to the extent that you start questioning its intentions. Remember to stay positive and repeat the underlying message of the Wheel of Fortune. When nothing seems to go your way, things will ultimately turn for the better.
Wheel of Fortune Yes or No Reversed
The Wheel of Fortune reversed indicates unwelcoming change, bad luck, or failure. Therefore, the answer to a Yes or No inquiry is a No.
Wheel of Fortune tarot card Combinations
The High Priestess and Wheel of Fortune
The High Priestess urges us to draw into our inner knowledge for guidance. The Wheel of Fortune implies that some things come as a given and can’t prevent them from happening. Seeing these two together carries a message that overcoming the change, you will need to tap into your inner knowledge to use this time of change for your favor.
The Devil and Wheel of Fortune
The Devil indicates being obsessed with physical and materialistic pleasures. Suppose that we are reading about relationships; the Wheel of fortune carries a message of treating others the way you want to be treated. If the Devil indicates that sex and lust are desired, you might need to be the one making the first step.
The Sun and Wheel of Fortune
If you see the Sun and Wheel of Fortune combined, you are in luck. Both cards portend good fortune. The Sun is telling us that all the stars are in line to help you forward in your path. The Wheel of Fortune is telling that this fortune is coming with a change.
The Temperance and Wheel of Fortune
When the Temperance is with the Wheel of Fortune, an upcoming change will require adapting. When it comes, you should avoid extreme choices and maintain a sense of calm. Take the middle road to keep balance.
The Hermit and Wheel of Fortune
The Hermit tarot card calls us to take some time and to gather our internal thoughts. Wheel of Fortune is about the cycles of life. Perhaps between life’s cycles, we should take some time to do some personal reflection to find guidance to our paths.
Wheel of Fortune – Element, Astrology and other associations
Here are the usual associations with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card.
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Jupiter
- Astrological sign: Capricorn
- Key dates: No dates
Wheel of Fortune as a personality
People with the Wheel of Fortune personalities seem to be in luck all the time. This is because they have a positive outlook on life, and they know that change is constant. They have done through several ups and downs, so they won’t lose their faith in a moment of sudden change.
Wheel of Fortune personalities are very kind and treat others like they want others to treat them. Because of their experiences, they are very empathetic. They can cheer you with words of comfort when you are going through difficult times.
Wheel of Fortune as feelings
When the Wheel of Fortune is drawn, and you are inquiring how someone feels about you, it will present you with mixed feelings. It is difficult to tell from this card because their mind might change frequently. If the card is upright, then the likelihood of them having feelings towards you is good. If the card is reversed, the odds are not looking good. But do keep your eyes open for the surrounding cards as they might give more insight than the ever-rotating Wheel.